UFO whistleblower claims government trying to smear him with medical record leak

The whistleblower who claimed that the United States Government has actual evidence of aliens has claimed they are trying to smear him by leaking his medical records.

David Grusch told the US Congress last month that he had personally spoken with around 40 people working within the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office [AARP] who told him that the US government was holding “intact and partially intact” alien craft in a secret base.

And he claimed that the US has shared its findings with The Five Eyes alliance – a grouping of intelligence services from the UK, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – but that it was kept secret “because they weren’t sure how ontologically shocking it was going to be to the world populace".

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However, after making the claims, he is now adamant that the US Government is trying to smear him by leaking his medical records, which show that he spent him getting treatment for mental health issues.

Grusch issued a statement on social media hours before news outlet The Intercept was due to publish a tell-all story about his issues, ranging from alleged substance abuse to being taken into care for mental health treatment.

He said: “It has come to my attention that The Intercept intends to publish an article about two incidents in 2014 and 2018 that highlights previous personal struggles I had with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Grief and Depression.

“As I stated under oath in my congressional testimony, over 40 credentialed intelligence and military personnel provided myself and my colleagues the information I transmitted to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) and I took the leadership role to represent the concerns of these distinguished and patriotic individuals.”

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And he later said, via Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, that a temporary detention order transferred him to a psychiatric unit and inpatient program where he “got the treatment that he needed”.

He added: ”This is a document, that if the media had done the right thing, would be in his police department file in the county sheriff’s office.

“Dave checked today because he assumed that the journalist had done his homework and just asked the local sheriff for the files.

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“The sheriff has confirmed it did not come from him.

“The only other place that had this information is the intelligence community – the intelligence community leaked it.”

The big claim in the Intercept's piece is that Grusch kept his security clearances despite what they claim was “psychological episodes and substance abuse”.

Grusch has not responded to other claims made in the piece.

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