Unlocked: MLB, players strike labor deal that will enable full 2022 baseball season

After all that, there will be a 2022 baseball season. And while some things will look different — more on that in a minute — the most important things will look the same. Three outs, 30 teams, one trophy, six months and — this is the big one — 162 games.

Nine days after commissioner Rob Manfred canceled opening day and over three months into an owner-implemented lockout, Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association agreed to a new labor contract Thursday afternoon in New York City, ensuring a full season and averting the most catastrophic consequences. Call it the eleventh hour or the bottom of the ninth, but after the union successfully called the league’s bluff in the face of several ultimatums, the pressure of an impending season finally forced a mutually tolerable compromise. Pending formal ratification by both sides, a frenetic close to the frozen free agency period and a condensed, concurrent spring training can now ensue. And on the other side of those: Opening day.

The collective bargaining agreement that will govern owner and players relations for the next five years represents a concerted effort by the union to close some of the loopholes by which teams have suppressed salaries in recent years and wrest a greater portion of the growing economic pie for themselves. The union’s more radical goals targeting the reserve clause and revenue sharing eventually fell off the table as concessions to achieve gains in the form of higher minimum salaries, a new way of compensating high-performing younger players, a draft lottery, a policy to disincentivize service time manipulation, and a luxury tax they can live with.

The more visible changes were not what bogged down the bargaining for months at a time, but the baseball that returns to the field this summer will feature a universal designated hitter and a 12-team postseason. The new deal also paves the way for the league to implement more changes — including a pitch clock, bigger bases and a ban on certain defensive shifts — as soon as 2023.

Long-awaited reckoning threatened 2022 season

With spring training already postponed, the two sides failed to reach an agreement after nine days of daily bargaining in Jupiter, Florida, ahead of a Feb. 28 deadline MLB had set to start the season on time. By the time they blew past that — and an extension — they had made considerable progress on establishing a framework but were still far apart on the numbers, most notably for the competitive balance tax and a newly created bonus pool for early-career players.

At the time, Manfred said unequivocally that the first two series had been canceled, that the league would not reschedule missed games and that players would not be paid for them. The league cannot decide that unilaterally, though, and the union indicated an unwillingness to agree to any eventual terms that did not include full pay or service.

Back in New York, the two sides met frequently to bridge the gulf, and a new deadline was set: MLB told the union that a deal done Tuesday would allow them to play all 162 games on a modified schedule. In the end, that deadline, too, turned out to be malleable. The sides went back and forth for over 16 hours Tuesday, then hit a roadblock Wednesday with the league’s desire for an international draft emerging as a sticking point. That resulted in a second wave of games being removed from the schedule Wednesday night before the sides ironed out a compromise Thursday morning to delay a final decision on the draft, and the removal of direct pick compensation that MLB had tied to it.

The league made a final proposal to the union Thursday afternoon. That was approved in a 26-12 vote by the players association’s executive subcommittee and team representatives, bringing the monthslong standoff to a conclusion.

This offseason has loomed as a reckoning for efficiency-minded trends that have led to stagnant or declining player salaries since the ratification of the outgoing CBA, signed in 2016 and seen immediately as a clear win for ownership. In the years since, players’ resentment festered, their sense of solidarity strengthened and their war chest grew in preparation for a lengthy fight.

The issues were complicated but revolved around a relatively simple concept: The way that teams operate has changed dramatically, and the way that players are compensated has not.

Savvy exploitation of a CBA that tilted the economic structure of the sport in the league’s favor has seen payrolls shrink as revenues soared in recent years. Heading into these negotiations, the union was seeking redress in several key areas: getting younger players paid more, commensurate with their production; preventing teams from leveraging CBA loopholes to gain an extra season of team control; making it less attractive and justifiable for teams to languish in uncompetitive mediocrity; and reducing restraints on free agency.

In proposals, these goals took form as increases in the major-league minimum salary, a bonus pool for pre-arbitration players, an earlier path to arbitration, an age backstop for free agency, a policy to prevent service time manipulation, a draft lottery, changes to the revenue-sharing system and a significant increase to a luxury tax that has failed to keep pace with industry growth.

In the end, the players dropped their requests related to free agency, arbitration and revenue sharing — all tabbed as “nonstarters” by the league — turning their attention instead to maximizing the dollar figures in other areas.

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