Valentine's couple walk out on extravagant £179 dinner of steak, lobster and FOUR bottles of wine WITHOUT paying

A LOVED-UP couple who ordered an extravagant £179 steak dinner with four bottles of wine on Valentine's Day left without paying for their meal.

The unchivalrous boyfriend has been blasted on social media after the owners of The Mill in Stokesley, North Yorkshire shared a receipt from the slap-up dinner on Facebook.

The pub revealed the pair dined on steak, lobster, halloumi fries, two portions of mussels, a Thai green curry and two bottles of wine each.

And they warned the couple had until 4pm on February 15 to pay the bill – adding: "You were sat opposite a camera and the CCTV couldn't be clearer."

A mystery woman – believed to be the girlfriend – did come in and settle the tab that day, they later revealed.

The couple booked into the pub for a romantic meal last Monday, February 14.

Their bill shows they ordered four bottles of £21.50 Zinfandel wine and mussels to start.

They then tucked into a £28 fillet steak, £20 half-lobster and £21 Thai curry for their main.


But when time came to pay up, they mysteriously vanished.

Publicans at the award-winning eatery said on Facebook: "To the lovely couple that racked up a hefty bill consisting of fillet steak and lobster, numerous bottles of wine…

"While we’re sure it was a honest mistake on your part that you left without paying, please pay your bill by 4pm today.

"You were sat opposite a camera and the CCTV couldn’t be clearer.

"Happy Valentines eh."


They told followers they'd then managed to contact the man – who admitted he didn't have enough money to pay up, but said he would when he got his wages.

However, on Tuesday evening, the entire bill was paid by the woman.

The establishment said: "Last thing on this… the bill has been paid by an anonymous female believed to be his girlfriend."

Social media users said they hoped the woman would bin her partner off.

One said: "Oh the shame – hope she doesn’t marry him'"

Another wrote: "That's one Valentine's she won't forget."

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Others were more forgiving – arguing such a mistake could happen to anyone after such a lot to drink.

"Four bottles of wine? Maybe they did just forget," some said.

Another chimed in: "I'd struggle to remember being there, let alone remembering if I'd paid."

    Source: Read Full Article

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