What did Joe Biden say about private prisons?

JOE BIDEN has ordered the US government to end the use of federally run private prisons in an attempt make sweeping changes towards racial equity.

Biden said the move is the first step to "stop corporation from profiting off of incarceration that is less humane and safe."

What did Joe Biden say about private prisons?

On January 26, the president ordered the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons.

While on the campaign trail, Biden had vowed to end federal government use of all private prisons, including ICE facilities.

Biden's order directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contract with privately-run criminal detention facilities.

“This is a first step to stop corporations from profiting off of incarceration,” he said.

The federal Bureau of Prisons had already opted not to renew some private prison contracts in recent months as the number of inmates dwindled and thousands were released to home confinement because of the coronavirus pandemic.

What is Biden doing about racial equality?

Moments before he signed the executive order on private prisons, Biden said the US government needs to change "its whole approach" towards racial equality.

“We must change now,” the president said. “I know it’s going to take time, but I know we can do it. And I firmly believe the nation is ready to change. But government has to change as well.”

President Biden will direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development to examine how previous administrations contributed to discriminatory housing policies and laws, senior official told Axios.

He also ordered the Department of Health and Human services to look at how Donald Trump's racially charged rhetoric has led to an increase in discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

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What are the executive orders Biden has signed so far?

  • Rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change
  • Promoting racial equity
  • Imposing a mask mandate on federal property
  • Rejoin the World Health Organization
  • Hiring a coronavirus response coordinator to organize a unified national response to Covid
  • Extend Eviction and Foreclosure Moratoriums
  • Extend Student Loan Pause
  • Rejoin the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
  • Rollback Trump’s Environmental Actions in order to protect public health and the environment and restore science
  • Launch a whole-of-government initiative to advance racial equity
  • Reverse Trump’s executive order excluding undocumented immigrants from the reapportionment count
  • Preserve and fortify protections for Dreamers
  • Reverse the Muslim Ban
  • Repeal of Trump interior enforcement executive order
  • Stop border wall construction
  • Deferred enforced departure for Liberians presidential memorandum
  • Preventing and combating discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation
  • Executive branch personnel ethics executive order

    Source: Read Full Article

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