What is Plan C in the UK?

FOLLOWING the rise in Omicron cases in the UK, the Government has decided to introduce Plan B which will see the return of face coverings, working from home and vaccine passports.

But if these actions aren't enough to slow the spread of coronavirus, what would a Plan C look like?

What is Plan C Covid in the UK?

Plan C is reportedly already being drawn up by Government chiefs in a bid to slow down the spread of the Omicron Covid variant.

It would see the reintroduction of Covid rules such as table service at pubs and restaurants and vaccine passports in smaller venues.

Under 'Plan C' punters would have to check in with the NHS Covid app to go to pubs and restaurants.

Face mask-wearing may also extend to all indoor places – including those currently exempt in Plan B, including gyms and pubs.

Rules forcing hospitality venues to collect the contact details of all customers are already being considered in the Plan C "package," according to the Daily Mail.

What has the government said about Plan C?

Plan C could be introduced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson later in the month if Covid cases continue to spiral in the UK. 

Backbenchers have already been left furious at the new Plan B restrictions, describing them as "ineffective and discriminatory".

Some have even suggested they've been introduced to distract from the row over the No10 Christmas Party.

The PM's announcement that Brits will have to work from home and flash vaccine passports to enter major events sparked an extraordinary backlash.

Health secretary Sajid Javid was heckled with cries of "shame on you" and "resign" as the unveiled the measures to the Commons.

And they triggered a tsunami of criticism from furious Tory MPs who have blasted the “tyrannical” and “baffling” restrictions.

Ringleaders have told MailOnline that Boris Johnson is set to face a "war" with his backbenchers when the measures are voted on next week.

It will reportedly be the biggest mutiny yet, with at least 60 expected to defy the government whip.

When could Plan C be introduced?

Plan C could be introduced as early as the new year.

The rise in Omicron cases, its ability to waiver the efficacy of vaccines, hospital admissions and deaths and the impact of Plan B will depend on whether Plan C is brought in.

    Source: Read Full Article

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