Who is Malcolm MacDonald?

A DAD has finally had his new penis fitted in its rightful place — after it spent six years attached to his arm.

Malcolm MacDonald's story is incredible, and now his torment is finally over.

Who is Malcolm MacDonald?

Malcolm is a 47-year-old mechanic who hails from Thetford, Norfolk.

But there is more to his story than this.

The Sun revealed how a nightmarish blood infection led to Malcolm's penis falling off one fateful day in 2014.

Malcolm was shocked when a long-term perineum infection developed into sepsis, turning his fingers, toes and penis black.

Read more on Malcolm MacDonald

I’ve had a penis on my arm for six years… now I finally feel like a real man

Dad whose penis dropped off has new one built on his ARM in world first

He told The Sun how he was left “completely gutted” when his manhood fell off that fateful day, though his testicles remained intact.

Malcolm's story is being told in a Channel 4 documentary called The Man With a Penis on His Arm, which is airing tonight (May 3, 2022) at 10.05pm.

Why did Malcolm MacDonald have a penis on his arm?

A willy doctor built him a new six-inch member and it was due to be attached in 2015 but, due to a lack of oxygen in his blood, it was grafted temporarily to his arm.

Then hospital delays and the Covid pandemic meant the £50,000 NHS-funded appendage had to stay there, turning Malcolm’s life upside down.

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An elderly lady once asked him to get an item from the top shelf of a supermarket — but the willy came loose and swung down near her head.

A keen darts player, he also told how he learned to tuck his arrows under it.

What has Malcolm MacDonald said?

Malcolm has said his nightmare has been “put to rest” following surgery to attach it between his legs.

He added: “It was a nine-hour op.

"The first thing I did was look down and I was like, ‘Oh my days. They got it right this time’. I feel like a real man again.”

His penis was created by Professor David Ralph at London’s University College Hospital.

It was made out of flesh from Malcolm’s arm, which allows him to feel.

He will eventually have a pump in his scrotum to fill it with saline solution, allowing him to prepare it for sex.

Malcolm said: “This could be a turning point in my life.

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"My luck in life hasn’t been too good so far, but it can only go bad for so long, can’t it?

“Can you imagine six years of your life with a penis swinging on your arm? It’s been a nightmare, but it’s gone now — the little bugger.”

    Source: Read Full Article

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