Wild moment man drags a shark back into the ocean by its tail

Wild moment man drags a shark back into the ocean by its tail after it was caught on a popular beach

  • Man was seen wrangling a shark by its tail in the surf
  • He was trying to drag it out to sea after it was caught
  • 25 sharks spotted in WA with one a five metre great white 

Australian beachgoers at a popular beach were shocked to see a man pulling a shark into the ocean by its tail.

The fearless man was seen gripping the shark’s tail with both hands and slowly backing into the surf at White Hills Beach in Bouvard, south of Perth, on Thursday. 

The reef shark, which looked around two metres in length, thrashed around and as the water got deeper, the man had to reach down and and hold the shark’s dorsal fin to prevent it from lashing out at him.

Bystanders said the shark was accidentally caught by people fishing from the beach.

It comes after a pair of swimmers were forced out of the water after being stalked by two sharks at a south-west WA beach.

The sharks were spotted by beachgoers 30m from the shore at Gnarabup Beach at about 12.40pm and again by diners at a beachfront cafe.

A total of 25 sharks were spotted offshore across WA on Thursday, including great whites.

One five metre monster was seen from the sand at Bunbury Beach – just a one hour drive south from White Hills Beach. 

A Western Australian man was spotted dragging a large reef shark back into the ocean by its dorsal fin (above)

Jane Wishaw said she was just about to head into the water when she saw two sharks lurking in the shallows.

‘I was completely stunned as the sharks appeared literally out of the blue as I was standing in calf deep water about to dive and swim out to deeper water and set off to the point,’ she told Perth Now.

‘It was quite terrifying actually as the sharks came within 4-5 metres off shore, clearly visible in the crystal clear water, then continued into shore going into the seaweed where they completely disappeared from sight.

‘I thought ‘yikes’ we couldn’t see them, but we knew they were there, they were so well camouflaged. They then reappeared further out.’

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