Wisconsin woman goes viral for hurling abuse at patient cop

The most painful traffic stop ever! Wisconsin woman, 33, hurls abuse and mimes a blowjob at cop who pulled her: Defiant driver is charged for suspended license – and also has exhaustive list of prior traffic offenses

  • Patient cop goes viral for dealing calmly with aggressive female motorist
  • Driver Nicole Golomski, 33, swears at officer and even mimes blowjob gesture 
  • Golomski, who describes herself as a ‘proud mom’, has 60 charges to her name

A patient cop has won legions of fans after video footage of him calmly dealing with an abusive driver went viral. 

The Wisconsin officer sounds unphased as the female motorist – who has been identified as 33-year-old Nicole Golomski – screams profanities at him, at one point even miming a blowjob gesture.   

In astonishing bodycam footage Golomski, who has 60 criminal charges to her name, calls the officer a ‘dirty, lazy cop’ and declares ‘yeah, I smoke a lot of weed’. 


Motorist Nicole Golomski, 33, has gone viral for screaming and swearing at cop after being pulled over for driving without a license on New Year’s Day

Bizarrely she later goes on to blame her ‘daddy issues’ for her attitude to the male officer, adding ‘I don’t like men’. 

She is also seen smoking a cigarette at the wheel while the passenger, her boyfriend Irving Zaragoza, isn’t wearing a seatbelt. 

Court records show Golomski – who calls herself a ‘proud mom’ on her Facebook page – was charged for driving while suspended and was pulled over by officers again just two days after the incident. She has yet to enter a plea. 

The tense exchange occurred at 5.30am on New Year’s Day but the footage has attracted millions of viewers since it was uploaded to the Youtube channel Code Blue Cam last week. 

As officers approach her vehicle, Golomski shouts: ‘You really don’t have anything better to do on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Night?’

She adds: ‘Do what you gotta do, dog.’

Golomski, who describes herself as a ‘proud mom’ on Facebook, is seen mimicking a blowjob gesture to the patient officer

Commenters were left horrified by Golomski’s obnoxious attitude, with many likening her to a spoilt child

She later accuses the officers of ‘entrapment’ and ‘harassment’ before taunting him by saying ‘breathalyse this’ as she breathes dramatically.

The cop cannot be seen in the footage, only his voice can be heard.  

When he calmly asks her the last time she smoked cannabis, she tells him: ‘None of your business.’

In another bizarre exchange she tells officers: ‘I have daddy issues and I don’t like men, I don’t trust them. I have PTSD.’

Commenters were left horrified by Golomski’s obnoxious attitude but praised the law enforcement involved. 

Golomski, pictured, who has 60 criminal charges to her name dating back to 2007, frequently shares selfies on social media

One wrote: ‘This is the result of a child that was never told no. I’m sure her parents are so proud.’

Another said: ‘This was literally the chillest cop I’ve ever seen, I have no idea how he wasn’t yelling at that woman.’

Meanwhile a third Youtube user wrote: ‘Can we take a moment to give a shout out to the brave men and women who have to put up with entitled people like this. 

Court records show Golomski, pictured, was charged again for driving without a license two days after her tense exchange with the Wisconsin cop

‘Our boys in blue deserve the upmost respect and appreciation!

‘Good job to the officer who handled stop, he kept his cool the entire time. Props to him!’

The cop involved is believed to be Portage County Sheriff Deputy Benjamin Beaudoin – though this has yet to be confirmed.

At one point in the footage Golomski is filmed saying ‘you seem like a dirty, lazy cop’ to which he wrly replies: ‘That’s unfortunate for me’. 

Golomski was driving alongside her boyfriend Irving Zaragoza, pictured. 

Golomski was driving in Stevens Point Wisconsin when she was pulled over by authorities. 

They had scanned her registration number which showed she had a suspended license. 

Golomski’s boyfriend Zaragoza uploaded his own footage of the event to his Youtube channel. 

Wisconsin court records show she has 60 criminal charges to her name.

The first dates back to 2007 when she was arrested for taking and driving a vehicle without consent.

On January 5 this year she was arrested once again – this time in Columbia – for a ‘traffic forfeiture’.

Just days before both incidents, Golomski revealed she was ‘going through a tough time’.

On December 30 she set up a GoFundMe page explaining that her son’s father had been deported to Mexico. 

In the page, which has attracted no donations so far, she wrote: ‘Hi my name is Nicole. My son (Gabriel Miguel) and myself are going through tough times we recently had to say goodbye to Gabe’s father Miguel due to him being deported back to Mexico. 

‘We will not be able to move to be with him nor is he able to get a visa to come back to America for at least 7 years.’

She added:  ‘Unfortunately there is no financial help for this situation for my son and since his father was here not documented there is no way for us to receive any type of child support.. 

She added: ‘I’m asking for help to help us through the holiday season and to get back on track since our loss.. Thank you so much.’

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