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Looking for products to help create crunch-free, effortless curls is like searching for a needle in a haystack. That needle, however, might just be the new Curl collection from Color Wow.
Like so many people with curly hair, I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to control, change or hide my curls. Frizz-Ease for Christmas? Yep. Crunchy curls? Tick. Hours spent trying to get poker-straight hair? Of course.
I’m far less bothered about my hair these days than I used to be; it was deeply unfashionable to have curly or frizzy hair back when I was at school. My problem, I’ve always thought, is that my parents never taught me how to look after my hair. My dad has short Afro hair that requires a regular clip and some hair oil, while my mum has short, straight hair. Neither really knew what to do with the manes my sister and I grew. Fast forward 20 years, and we still struggle.
Very occasionally my curls look defined, but most of the time, they’re raggedy. I don’t have much of a haircare regime and that’s partly because, as someone who exercises and sweats on a daily basis, it kind of feels pointless to really invest in lovely shampoos or serums, only to sling it all into a bun for the gym, or to become moist with sweat post-run.
As such, my routine is super simple (and not that effective). I wash and condition twice a week, using whatever products I happen to have in at the time, and then brush my hair using a little oil to help the comb get through the knots. While soaking, I tie it all up in an old T-shirt and… that’s it.
However, when I heard about the new Curl range from Color Wow, I was intrigued. It claims to be a ‘totally new approach to curl care’ thanks to its so-called ‘naked technology’. The USP? Its range of products are so light that it’s supposed to be feels like nothing’s on the hair. That’s quite a claim; the vast majority of serums and shampoos do feel heavy, particularly if they claim to be super-hydrating. But Curlr Wow promises no weight, no greasy feel and no crunch. And you know what? They’re absolutely right.
I used each of the five products in the collection, allowing my hair to dry naturally as usual. The result? Well-defined curls that lasted umpteen days and really did feel like nothing was on the hair. Even my partner commented that my hair looked much more hydrated – I’d even say it’s by far the most effective range I’ve used.
After following all five steps my hair felt clean and it was knot-free and defined. Despite using more product than I usually would on it, my hair didn’t feel weighed down. I can’t remember the last time I was able to run my hands through my hair without my fingers getting stuck! Plus there was no residue, no grease, no dry feeling – just healthy, bouncy, defined curls.
Here’s how I used each of the products in the collection – and if I had to pick, the two I’d recommend the most are the pre-shampoo detangler and post-wash serum.
Color Wow Curl Snag-Free Pre-Shampoo Detangler
SNAG-FREE Pre-Shampoo Detangler Before shampooing, the brand advises that you work a little of this through wet hair in sections. It’s super-effective; after rising my hair thoroughly, I smooth it all over it and within seconds, my comb is cutting through from root to tip effortlessly and prepping the hair ready to be cleaned. That has never happened before even in a hair salon, where it usually sounds like they’re hacking through a forest with a wide-toothed comb.
Shop Color Wow Curl Snag-Free Pre-Shampoo Detangler, £25
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Color Wow Curl Hooked 100% Clean Shampoo with Root-Locking Technology, £26
HOOKED 100% Clean Shampoo with Root-Locking Technology Thanks to the detangler, I don’t need as much shampoo as usual to get a lather. If your hair has lots of build-up, you might need a double dose, but I find that using the first product makes it infinitely easier to work the shampoo into the scalp and it lathers instantly, even in London which is renowned for its incredibly hard water.
Shop Color Wow Curl Hooked 100% Clean Shampoo with Root-Locking Technology, £26
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Color Wow Curl Coco-Motion Lubricating Conditioner, £26
COCO-MOTION Lubricating Conditioner I usually dread conditioning because it’s at this stage that I’m tearing through knots and matted bits of hair. After the detangler and shampoo however, my hair is silky smooth, and it’s a joy to work this rich, thick, coconut-smelling cream though it.
Without struggling against matting, this conditioner feels more like a quick-acting hydrating mask than anything else.
Shop Color Wow Curl Coco-Motion Lubricating Conditioner, £26
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Color Wow CurlFlo-Etry Vital Natural Serum, £27
FLO-ENTRY Vital Natural Serum After a thorough rinse, I apply a generous amount of serum to soaking wet hair and start to squelch. My hair is already in tight ringlets by this stage, so I squeeze out any excess water.
This serum is made for super dry hair like mine; it’s designed to mimic the natural sebum that doesn’t flow as easily when you’ve got curly hair. Often, serums feel heavy, greasy and, ultimately, drying, but this one couldn’t be more different. Oh, and it’s been clinically proven to provide 84% less breakage – something I’m in desperate need of.
Shop Color Wow CurlFlo-Etry Vital Natural Serum, £27
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Color Wow Curl Shook Mix + Fix Bundling Spray, £32.50
SHOOK Mix + Fix Bundling Spray The final step is the Mix + Fix spray. You shake the bottle to combine the ingredients and then spritz every part of the hair. To be honest, by this point, I didn’t feel like I needed any more product, although my hair did feel super hydrated after spraying, which is thanks to the moisturising jojoba, rice bran and passion flower oils it’s formulated with.
Shop Color Wow Curl Shook Mix + Fix Bundling Spray, £32.50
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