Armie Hammer Finally Responds To Cannibalism/Rape DM Controversy – And Quits J.Lo Movie!

Armie Hammer is finally responding to the shocking rumors about him. And his answer is… confusing.

In response to the collection of disturbing DMs he allegedly sent to numerous women with whom he was allegedly cheating on his wife, Elizabeth Chambers, over the past few years — messages which included references to cannibalism, vampirism, BDSM slavery, and rape — the Social Network star is… quitting a movie??

Screenshots of the messages — which we must clearly state have not been verified — hit the net over the weekend and went viral on Sunday night. Armie had not responded for three days but now says in a statement to multiple media outlets his reaction is to drop out of his upcoming film Shotgun Wedding:

“I’m not responding to these bulls**t claims but in light of the vicious and spurious online attacks against me, I cannot in good conscience now leave my children for 4 months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic. Lionsgate is supporting me in this and I’m grateful to them for that.”

Um… He’s saying he’s leaving the movie because he can’t leave his kids alone… the kids who live with their mother since the split??

Also, what do his kids have to do with attacks against him online? They’re aged 6 and 3 years old. It’s not like they’re reading about all this on Twitter or anything, right? What would leaving them with Elizabeth do??

The one thing we buy in this statement is the fact Lionsgate is supporting him in not being on their movie! LOLz! They’re also happy to coordinate their statements. A production spokesman told ET:

“Given the imminent start date of Shotgun Wedding, Armie has requested to step away from the film and we support him in his decision.”

Yeah, we bet! LOLz!

Shotgun Wedding is the story of a couple who have to save their families from hijackers during their destination wedding and in the process “rediscover why they fell in love in the first place.”

Something tells us Jennifer Lopez, who was set to play his co-lead and love interest in the film, isn’t interested in sharing the screen with a man who allegedly bragged he ripped out “the heart of a live animal and ate it while it was hot” while describing his interest in cannibalism to a woman he was sleeping with. Or how about a man who’s accused of telling a s*xual partner:

“Raping you on your floor with a knife against you. Everything else seemed boring. You crying and screaming, me standing over you. I felt like a god. I’ve never felt such power and intensity.”

The idea that it was Armie’s decision to leave this movie amid such extreme allegations, and that it was to protect his kids… What do YOU think of it? You buy it?

Source: Read Full Article

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