California Music Venues Aim to Reopen by June 15th

Governor Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that California could fully reopen on June 15th, a move that might allow for the state’s concert venues to resume business if certain conditions are met.

With nearly a quarter of California’s adults fully vaccinated and the coronavirus infection rate dropping, Newsom said that — if current trends hold — the state’s economy could “fully open” by mid-June, which would include concert venues, performing arts centers, and movie theaters.

California is now operating on a color-coded tier system laid out by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health where counties — under “Yellow,” the loosest restrictions — capped movie theater capacity at 50% and allowed for outdoor-only concerts at 67% capacity; indoor performances can begin April 15th with an unspecified “limited capacity.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, the sudden news of reopened venues caught the performing arts community by surprise, with many now scrambling to book artists for their potentially reopened venues. Los Angeles County currently sits in the “Orange,” or “moderate” tier, but is trending toward “Yellow” by June 15th.

With plans to reopen California, Newsom said the state’s mask mandate would remain in place, especially in indoor venues, CNN reports.

“This disease is as deadly as it’s ever been. The only thing that we have done is suppress the spread because of the number of vaccines that have been administered and because of mask-wearing,” Newsom said in a statement Tuesday. “We can now begin planning for our lives post-pandemic. We will need to remain vigilant, and continue the practices that got us here — wearing masks and getting vaccinated — but the light at the end of this tunnel has never been brighter.”

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