Derick Dillard Calls Jill Duggar's Interview With Megyn Kelly After Josh Duggar's Scandal 'Borderline Coercion'

Josh Duggar’s trial and guilty verdict brought the Duggar family back into the spotlight. And during the trial, Josh Duggar’s scandals of the past were brought to attention. In 2015, the media released information from police records that stated Josh admitted to molesting a few of his sisters. Later, Jill Duggar was one of the sisters to speak out during an interview with Megyn Kelly — but now, Derick Dillard says the interview bordered on coercion. Here’s what happened.

Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar took place after Josh Duggar’s scandals in 2015

Those who kept up with the Duggar family and Josh Duggar’s scandals of the past likely remember Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar. Jill and Jessa came forward as two of the sisters affected by Josh’s alleged molestation in 2006. They spoke to Kelly about what happened to them and their experience with the media catching wind of what occurred.

“We didn’t choose to come out and tell our story,” Jill said during the interview. “This wouldn’t have been our first choice. But, now that this story has been brought about, we really feel like, as we’ve been seeing these headlines, as we’ve been seeing things that people are saying about our family, we feel like, as victims, we have to come out and speak.”

Jill then went on to say that what Josh did to her was “very mild” compared to what could have happened or what other women go through. Jill and Jessa also confirmed that their parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, had to tell them what occurred.

Derick Dillard called the Megyn Kelly interview ‘borderline coercion’

With Derick Dillard’s recent commentary about Jill Duggar’s interview and the past Josh Duggar scandal, what are the Duggars saying about Josh Duggar now?

A number of Josh’s siblings arrived in court to see the trial. After the trial concluded, several of them spoke out on social media. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar issued a statement online, as did Jill, Jinger Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar, Amy Duggar, and Jessa Duggar. The family seemed in agreement with the guilty verdict. They also mentioned they’d help care for Josh Duggar’s wife, Anna Duggar.

Anna Duggar didn’t immediately respond to the trial. But more recently, she made her stance clear. In early February 2022, she posted a text post to Instagram stating, “There is more to the story.” A link in her Instagram bio leads to Josh’s legal papers requesting an acquittal or new trial.

How to get help: If you or someone you know has been sexually abused, text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 for free and confidential support.

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