Did Matt Damon get paid in cryptocurrency for his idiotic Crypto commercial?

Can I just say? I love it when people rip into cryptocurrency because it makes me feel better about not really understanding why it’s such a big f–king deal. I’m soothed whenever someone points out that crypto is basically a Ponzi scheme, or “Mary Kay for young men.” That’s a better explanation for this cryptocurrency mess than anything Elon Musk is saying. Anyway, crypto is big business and they have to attract new “investors” to keep the pyramid scheme afloat. They threw some money at Matt Damon and got him to film a very terrible commercial:

The thing about this commercial is that it’s actually been out for a few months, but now it’s being shown during football games on network television, and it’s also being shown in front of Marvel movies in theaters. It’s not enough that online gambling companies are taking over sports advertising, now crypto schemers are also targeting the same market: gullible men who want to throw away their disposable income on dumb sh-t. My dudes, are you not embarrassed?

People are also talking about how Matty D must be poor to agree to appear in this asinine commercial. I mean… he’s not poor. I would assume that Crypto paid him handsomely (in dogecoin). It’s also pretty embarrassing for everyone involved that Matty D is the “celebrity” the crypto guys thought would appeal to dudes. The same Matty D who only stopped using homophobic slurs last year.

— Chris D’Lauro (@CogNerd) January 2, 2022

— John W. Rich (Fake Tech Exec) (@Cokedupoptions) December 31, 2021

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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