Donald Trump’s Biography On State Department Website Says His Term Ends Tonight

An update to Donald Trump‘s biography on the State Department website has Twitter talking.

On the website under the current President’s name it reads: “Donald Trump’s term ended on 2021-01-11 19:49:09.”

The date is today, January 11, with the time being 7:49 pm, which is still yet to come.

NBC News political writer Allan Smith first caught on to the update, with many fans chiming in about the gaffe. The time seems to have changed several times of the course of minutes, according to fans.

The update also extended to Vice President Mike Pence‘s website as well.

According to Buzzfeed News, the update was apparently the work of a “disgruntled staffer”.

Many fans are still reacting to the error on the site, hoping that it is still true.

House Democrats filed paperwork earlier today to proceed with impeachment of Trump, due to his incitement of the Capitol riot that happened last week and forced many members of Congress into a lockdown situation.

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