EastEnders Christmas killer revealed by AI with shocking twist

It's the big soap conundrum that's got everyone scratching their heads – who's the victim of the EastEnders Christmas killer? And, perhaps more importantly, who's the murderer?

All kinds of fan theories have circulated about the killer's identity ever since fans were treated to a special flash-forward to the nail-biting Christmas Day episode ealier this year, which showed a body lying on the floor of the Queen Vic.

The body was surrounded by Linda Carter, Suki Panesar, Kathy Cotton, Stacey Slater, Denise Fox and Sharon Watts, who is wearing a wedding dress.

Some have suggested it could be Nish Panesar, while others think it's Vinny Panesar. Yet more amateur sleuths have suggested Keanu Taylor or newcomer George Knight.

But now another source has 'the answer'. OK! put one of the world's most popular artificially intelligent 'creative' tools Bard AI to the test to see who it thinks is responsible for the heinous crime.

When asked to predict EastEnders Christmas killer, the program suggested that the legendary Kat Slater could be in the frame.

It said: "Kat is currently going through a lot of personal drama. She is struggling to cope with the death of her husband and is also facing financial difficulties. She could snap and commit murder in a moment of rage."

This would seem plausible as Kat is waiting to marry the famous Phil Mitchell, and has made plenty of enemies throughout her time on the Square. She also has a very strained relationship with Sharon, who appears to be getting married on the big day, so could that make her snap?

With all the women standing around the body in the Vic, many fans have assumed that the killer is female, but that has not been confirmed.

And in a shocking twist, the AI tool had another suggestion – that a man, in the form of Kheerat Panesar, could be responsible.

However, Kheerat is currently in prison for murder after he took the fall for his mum, Suki.

Bard AI said: "One possibility is Kheerat Panesar. Kheerat is currently in a lot of debt and has been involved in some shady dealings. He could be desperate enough to commit murder in order to save himself."

This would seem strange, as Kheerat is not due to return to the Square… as far as viewers know.

Not to be outwitted, the tool had a third and last theory. It said: "Finally, it is also possible that the Christmas killer is someone who has not yet been introduced in the show. The producers of EastEnders have said that they want the identity of the killer to be a surprise, so it is possible that they will introduce a new character who is the killer."

    Source: Read Full Article

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