‘For Colored Girls’ Star Kimberly Elise Sparks Outrage After Supporting Roe v. Wade Overturn

The 55-year-old actress generates mixed responses on Twitter after praising the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which protected abortion rights.

AceShowbizKimberly Elise has faced the wrath of social media users after sharing her take on the Roe v. Wade overturn. The actress, who starred in 2010’s film “For Colored Girls” among others, has received backlash for supporting the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the ruling that protected women’s rights to choose to have an abortion.

On Tuesday, June 28, Kimberly posted on her Instagram page an animation depicting a baby and quoting Psalm 139:13-14. “For you formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well,” the scripture reads.

In the caption, the 55-year-old actress wrote, “Millions of babies will be saved from death by abortion due to the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Hallelujah! #allglorybetoGod.” Apparently already anticipating the criticism, she turned off the comments.

People soon took to Twitter to voice their rage over Kimberly’s post. “Kimberly Elise celebrates abortion being overturned in a country with a terrible mortality rate for Pregnant black women. I’ll add that even if the mortality rate wasn’t terrible I’m still pro-choice. But it’s kind of even more ghoulish and foolish to celebrate considering that,” one person tweeted.

Another brought up the plot line of his movie, writing, “Kimberly Elise was literally in For Colored Girls.. need I remind her of the abortion plot point???” A third critic said, “Unfollowed Kimberly Elise so fast when I saw that IG post. Millions of mothers and babies will be saved? How about no…Also not every person is a Christian. Just…”

Some, however, have come to Kimberly defense. “Kimberly Elise has an opinion & view that’s unique to her…Some people will agree & others will disagree, we don’t have the same views on anything. But let’s not act like y’all ain’t gonna watch Diary of a mad black woman moment it comes on tv again,” writer J.C. argued.

Another echoed the sentiment as tweeting, “Y’all be quick to cancel celebrities that doesn’t share the same OPINIONS as the masses. Kimberly Elise is entitled to feel how she feels about abortions.” Florida Republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer also supported the actress, “Kimberly Elise is being attacked because she is a Black woman who is pro-life. To the libs, we’re nothing but ‘n******’ if we aren’t liberals. I was never called that word my entire life until I ran as a Republican. Now it’s a daily thing. Kimberly, don’t bend & stay strong!”

One person, meanwhile, disagreed. “Folks are saying Kimberly Elise can have an opinion. Your opinion should only govern you. Celebrating policy that revokes the rights of millions is not an opinion; it’s bad politics. No one cares about your opinion. It’s your politics that’s a problem,” they claimed.

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