Ola Jordan admits weight gain sabotaged sex life with James husband

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One time Strictly Come Dancing champ Ola Jordan’s weight ballooned as she focused on taking care of daughter Ella, now three, and she started to avoid her husband James Jordan, 44, any time she was in her underwear. Doctors classified her as “obese”, but since the pair lost seven stone between them, she’s abandoned the baggy pants and regained her sexual appetite.

After dropping three dress sizes and returning to the svelte size 8 figure she’d had when she won Strictly, 40-year-old Ola has far more confidence than before.

“Let’s just say getting fit and losing nearly four stone, I’ve thrown away my Bridget Jones pants once and for all,” she exclaimed triumphantly.

“I’m wearing sexy undies again and feeling so much better about my body. James can barely keep up with me!”

She added to Closer magazine: “I must say for a while I avoided James seeing me in my underwear as I didn’t feel good about my body.”

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James had previously admitted that he found his wife more fanciable before her weight gain, controversially claiming: “Most men prefer their wives fit and healthy.”

He added to Fabulous magazine at the time: “Sex is definitely not better with the mum and dad bods. I can’t throw her about any more like I am used to doing.”

Ola’s weight also sabotaged her social life, as her weight gain made her so self-conscious that she preferred to stay at home on the sofa sipping a glass of wine instead of taking up a party invite.

In a notoriously image-conscious industry, where showbiz events and red carpet posing sessions were part of her life, the dancer felt uncomfortable.

Ola, who is now 40, revealed that she even struggled with fertility due to piling on the pounds, and that doctors warned her to make a change.

Little Ella was conceived via IVF, and Ola subsequently received professional advice telling her to lose weight if she was interested in having a second baby.

She has admitted that she would love to seize the opportunity for more kids, revealing during a GB News interview in September 2022 that it’s on her to-do list.

“If it doesn’t [happen naturally], I will go for another IVF [treatment],” she vowed.

However, she acknowledged: “At the same time, it’s something that you don’t really want to have to do. You want to conceive naturally.”

Ola has been married to James since 2003, but in spite of their tight-knit 20-year marriage, they delayed pregnancy for most of that time to focus on their careers.

Now she would love to be able to give Ella a sibling, and thinks she’s back to tiptop physical condition to be able to do so.

Meanwhile, Ola has been as complimentary about James’ weight loss as he has been about hers.

She admitted to Fabulous magazine that she finds him much more desirable in the looks department “now he’s got his six-pack back”.

“He looks so much fitter and younger since he lost weight. I can’t keep my hands off him!” she exclaimed.

Then she added: “The sex is better because James can pick me up and throw me about again… [it’s] as good as when we first got together!”

Meanwhile, the pair have turned their weight loss transformation into a business, launching the website Dance Shred to help others looking to shed the pounds too.

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