Our Yorkshire Farm’s Amanda Owen shares emotional update after tragic loss: ‘Inseparable’

Amanda Owen treats sheep with conjunctivitis on a blustery hill

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Amanda Owen has issued a touching update from Ravenseat Farm after the sad stillbirth of one of her calves. A cow named Lily suffered a tragedy when her calf died during labour, but she has now become a mum again after a genius move from Amanda.

The shepherdess shared the “gory” process as she explained she had removed the dead calf from Lily and covered another baby cow, named Stormy, with its skin.

This, she explained, made Lily believe Stormy was actually hers, and she began to let her suckle.

One week on, the two gentle creatures are now “inseparable”, according to Amanda.

Alongside adorable photos of the mother-daughter duo, she wrote: “Lily & Stormy.

“It’s nearly a week since the calf was fostered onto the cow that had the stillborn calf.

“Now they are inseparable.”

The adoption process with cows is not an easy one, and Amanda previously admitted she was grappling with how much to show her 190,000 followers.

“The best way of persuading Lily [cow] that Stormy the calf is her own is to use stillborn calf’s skin to disguise her,” she tweeted.

“It’s not an easy task to skin as wet & slippery with birth fluids but this should make it more successful.”

The 46-year-old continued: “Removal of the dead calf’s [sic] is not as gory as might be the expectation but nevertheless I’ve refrained from showing too much detail.

“Most important is that the tail remains complete as this is what the mother sniffs when the adoptee suckles. #yorkshire #shepherdess #calf.”

Her followers flocked to praise Amanda on her clever thinking.

“Wow. Well, I never. I’m a daughter of a farmer and I’ve never seen this with calves, only lambs. What a fabulous thing to happen,” wrote Sharon Campbell. 

“I don’t envy the job of skinning the dead calf. Hats off to you for doing it. It’s a case of taking the good with the bad in your line of work,” added Polly Turner. 

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“Nature is a wonderful thing, a calf given a chance by a mother who knows no different and thinks it’s her own baby,” remarked Paula Goodwin. 

Amanda also took to Instagram where she opened up about the sad death earlier this month.

Sharing a series of photos, including the sheep watching the arrival of the stillborn, the shepherdess expressed her heartbreak over the calf’s death.

In view of her 481,000 followers, she penned: “The tups watch & await a new arrival.

“The hope was for a healthy calf for Lily but this wasn’t to be.

“Lesley the vet was on call & as always did a great job but unfortunately the calf had already died during labour.”

Adding a disclaimer, Amanda finished: “*BIRTH IMAGE BUT NOTHING TOO GRAPHIC*.”

She added the hashtags: “#yorkshire #shepherdess #calving #vet #birth #life #death.”

The shepherdess was soon inundated with messages of support, as Gil Gregg wrote: “So sorry to read this.”

Bonita Rosa commented: “Oh so sad but sometimes things aren’t meant to be.”

Vintage Mandy added: “Poor Lily. Bless her.”

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