Prince Andrew has not revealed his defense strategy to the Queen, who is paying

Prince Andrew has a big hearing today in New York. He won’t actually appear in New York, but his lawyers are appearing on his behalf. The hearing is about whether or not Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit will go to trial. Andrew’s lawyers basically have to reveal their defense strategy and no one knows what Andrew’s defense will really be beyond what he’s already said: Virginia was/is a “little bitch” who wanted to be trafficked, she enjoyed it and she’s already made enough money from her previous lawsuits against Ghislaine Maxwell. Apparently, Andrew has left the Queen in the dark about what she’s paying for with his defense as well:

Prince Andrew has left senior Royals “in the dark” over his defence strategy on sex claims, say insiders. Andrew is understood to have had “little or no discussion” with the Queen, Prince Charles or Prince William – despite Her Majesty paying his hefty legal fees. Sources say the Duke of York has been “less than forthcoming” over how he will battle allegations from Virginia Giuffre.

Insiders suggest preparations have been coloured by reported infighting between Andrew’s UK solicitor Gary Bloxsome and his newly hired Hollywood hotshot lawyer Andrew Brettler, due to a “severe clash in personalities”.

Andrew’s team must deliver final submissions on Monday. A judge will rule whether a trial is held.

One impeccably placed source said: “Everyone from the very top has been left in the dark. The fact there has been little or no discussion with senior members of the family is just mind-boggling.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

My guess is that the senior royals don’t want to know about Andrew’s defense, nor do they care. Especially Charles and William – they wrote off Andrew a long time ago. My guess is that the Queen simply believes whatever Andrew tells her, which is probably along the lines of “everything is going well, no worries.”

Speaking of, Richard Kay at the Mail had a bonkers story about Andrew which – I think?? – was supposed to be sympathetic? It was all about how Andrew is no longer in the royal fold and how sad it is that Andrew can’t wear his military gear and glad-hand veterans and such. Kay’s sources say that Andrew still “hopes of one day resuming his old life.” Andrew’s life these days is relatively simple – he goes riding several times a week in Windsor, he keeps up with old friends, he mostly stays at Royal Lodge and watches TV. He’s been following Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial but he doesn’t think it will affect him. He visits his mom a lot. He spends time with his daughters and with Fergie. As for staff, “Royal Lodge has a butler and deputy butler, while a chef comes over from Windsor Castle…Sometimes food is sent over from the kitchens at the castle, while an estate gardener occasionally helps out with local driving duties. Andrew also still has use of a valet, but a part-time dresser who had previously been in the household is understood to have left.” Basically, he lives in utter comfort and privilege, doesn’t have to do anything other than watch TV, ride and spend time with his family, and his mom pays all of his bills. And we’re supposed to feel sympathy for him?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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