Prince Charles was told that the Queen needs to apologize to Indigenous people

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall wrapped up their whirlwind Canadian Tour yesterday. If anyone’s counting, they spent three days in Canada, and much of that time was in the air, traveling from one place to the other. Most Canadians didn’t even know Chuck and Cam were in their country. Chuck would rather be ignored than publicly flop. The problem is that Charles did make headlines in Canada and internationally during this tour. It was because Charles refused to apologize for the century of forced separations, abuse and deaths of Indigenous children at the hands of the Anglican and Catholic churches. Charles made a big speech and he never apologized or directly acknowledged the Crown’s role. Apparently though, he was told to his face that his mother needs to apologize:

Prince Charles has been told in person that his mother should issue a formal apology on behalf of the Church of England for a scandal dating back to Britain’s colonial past. A senior chief representing Canada’s First Nations indigenous communities, told the heir to the throne that the Queen needed to act in her role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, RoseAnne Archibald, told ITV News that she “did respectfully request that Prince Charles relay a message to his mother, the Queen, to offer an apology on behalf of the Anglican church”.

The indigenous leader met the prince at a reception in Ottawa held by the Governor General, the Queen’s representative in Canada. She handed him letters from other First Nations groups who accused the British Crown, and modern-day Canada, of gaining “great wealth” from the inheritance of the indigenous communities. Chief Archibald wants an apology for the role the Church of England played in the scandal of residential schools.

[From ITV]

Some commenters suggested that Charles was likely advised to not apologize because an apology could be read as an admission of guilt. As in, the royal family is trying to avoid being sued or having to pay reparations or what have you. Too late! Who is advising them? Because simply ignoring the people who were historically wronged isn’t the best long-term strategy? Does Charles really believe that he can just drop into Canada for a few days, yammer about reconciliation and that will be good enough? That this will be the end of it?

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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