Questlove on Summer of Soul: People tell me their grandmother was hot

Summer of Soul, Questlove’s documentary about the 1969 Harlem Music Festival, has been sweeping the awards season and will hopefully win Best Documentary this weekend. Kaiser and I loved it and we talked about it on this week’s podcast, #119. It’s a celebration of Black excellence and music at a time of great cultural change. Summer of Soul includes footage of legendary acts like Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, Nina Simone and Sly and The Family Stone. There are interviews with the artists and people who attended and there are so many scenes of the crowd jamming out. I especially enjoyed the shots of the audience. The joy is palpable and the fashion, hair and style is such a time capsule. I would watch six more hours of footage easily.

Questlove was on Late Night with Seth Meyers recently. I’ve only seen him on The Tonight Show before this, where he leads the band. His interview was fun to watch and of course he’s such a music lover. He said he has over 200,000 records! His girlfriend is not too happy with that. My favorite part was when he said that people tell him they spotted their family in the crowd of his movie.

On his goals with Summer of Soul
I’m living the dream. I wanted to make something really cool and then hopefully they would should it in a few classrooms and maybe discover it 20 years from now.

He assumed President Obama was the Postmates guy
It was like an hour and ten minutes [after I ordered food]. I decided to [answer] the phone. The person didn’t say much. I was like ‘yes on the — floor, apartment –‘
‘This is Barry.’
I looked all the texts. ‘The Presidents’ calling you right now!’
Even he said ‘You think I’m Postmates?’

On the response to Summer of Soul
The number one message I get in my DMs is sort of like ‘Who knew my grandma was a hot girl?’ There’s a lot of that happening. Notable musicians that I grew up listening to ‘there’s my fiance at the age of 14 in the front row.’ Every day is a brand new surprise. This week at the DGAs [Spielberg] started fanning out [about the movie] for three minutes.

On how many vinyl records he has
It’s kissing 200,000. A lot of libraries are closing, colleges are losing their jazz programs. They’re like ‘oh that Roots guy likes records, give it to him.’ My girlfriend’s none too happy about it.

[From Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube]

He also told a really cute story about how he was working with Will Smith as a sort-of mentor. Will told him to get up at 4:30 to seize the day. I do that! He got up super early on the day of the Oscar announcements and got dressed in a suit, but then realized it was Sunday.

I wish there were videos of my mom and dad from back then! All we have are photos. My mom loved music and Summer of Soul had some of the music we grew up with. I keep telling her to watch it, it’s on Hulu! The film explains that this incredible footage sat in someone’s basement for 50 years before it was made into a movie and that there were multiple attempts to get it to the public. I’m so glad it’s getting so much recognition and hope that there’s a follow up. That might be premature, but there must be so much more footage.

Photos credit: and via Instagram

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