Radio 1 DJ Arielle Free is suspended

Worse for wear Radio 1 DJ Arielle Free is suspended after being pulled off air and told to ‘have some respect’ during row with host during Ibiza broadcast

Radio 1 DJ Arielle Free has been suspended after being pulled off air by Charlie Hedges during her Saturday’s Dance Anthems broadcast from the Ibiza Rocks hotel.

Last Saturday, Arielle joined Charlie, 37, as her guest and during the broadcast, a worse for wear Arielle caused offence by giving Charlie some unsolicited advice about her music choice. 

Arielle came on the show and things appeared fine at first. Arielle said: ‘Hi, yeah I sound great don’t I? as Charlie laughed.

‘You’ve sounded better,’ Charlie responded. ‘But it’s OK.’ 

Feud: Radio 1 DJ Arielle Free has been suspended after being pulled off air and told to ‘have some respect’ during a row with Charlie Hedges during an Ibiza broadcast on July 29

Arielle said: ‘Well this is what happened. You play on Friday and you play on Saturday and then your voice just goes. 

‘Can I be honest with you Charlie?… I expected better of you… ‘

Charlie interjected: ‘What? To sound better, like you?’ 

Arielle said back: ‘I don’t like this song,’ referring to Charlie’s song choice of Horsegiirl’s My Barn, My Rules.

Charlie replied: ‘Oh really?’ 

And Arielle responded: ‘I hate it!…[Interrupting further]. I’m sorrrryy.’

In that moment, an outraged Charlie said: ‘Sorry I’m taking your mic down, it’s my show Arielle, have some respect please.

‘See you later. Get out of here,’ ordering her out of the DJ booth.

Spat: Arielle had told Charlie, (pictured): ‘I don’t like this song,’ referring to Horsegiirl’s My Barn, My Rules and kept interrupting the host before she took her off air (stock image)

A spokesperson for Radio 1 told MailOnline: ‘Whilst we would not comment on individual matters, we have strict codes of behaviour for staff and presenters, and any breaches are taken extremely seriously.’

Some fans were mortified by Arielle’s behaviour on the show. 

They tweeted: ‘@ariellefree @ahj that was awful, Charlie did well to shut you down. Any other job and you would be fired!’

‘Show some respect Arielle Free @BBCR1. Well done @charliehedges.’

‘@ariellefree on Monday after @charliehedges show on @BBCR1. Well played Charlie dealt with it like a boss,’ [alongside a photo of the job centre). 

Something to say: Listeners had a mixed response to the on-air debacle 

Yet others were team Arielle and praised her for calling out Charlie’s choice of music. 

They penned: ‘Insane that @BBC has suspended @ariellefree. One of the most talented DJs around today.’

‘Unquestionably the wrong approach, but when @ariellefree looks back on this I hope she can take heart that she called out a real issue.

‘The current infantilisation of Dance music – even in Ibiza (!)- feels disrespectful to everything that came before.’

And: ‘This whole @ariellefree “situation” on @BBCR1 is truly pathetic. People getting het up over nothing…’

DJ Arielle famously co-hosted the official Love Island podcast Love Island: The Morning After since 2018.

She joined BBC Radio 1 in 2019 to host early weekend breakfast. She now hosts Monday to Thursday earlies and is the voice of Radio 1’s Dance stream. 

Charlie famously got her big break on KISS FM. 

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