Soapwatch with JACI STEPHEN: Is Lola's life on the line?

Soapwatch with JACI STEPHEN: Is Lola’s life on the line?

  • In Eastenders trouble is on the horizon for Lola and Jay after a trip to hospital 
  • Eileen has a nasty blow to the head after falling with pumpkins in Corrie 
  • In Emmerdale Paddy is starting to get suspicious as Chas covers her tracks  


In Eastenders trouble is on the horizon for Lola and Jay (pictured) after a trip to hospital whe Lola collapses with a seizure 

You always know someone’s days are numbered when one of three things happens. One, someone says, ‘No more secrets and lies’ before being caught out in a hitherto undisclosed whopper that brings the relationship tumbling down. 

Two, a character heads for Walford East with a rucksack (they’re never coming back – for every 50 people who have ever gone up those steps, only one has ever come down). And three, a couple declare they’re going to be ‘togevver forrevvver’ and ‘nuffing’s gonna tear them apart again’. 

The latter is where Lola and Jay are, after their renewed declarations of love are brought to a standstill when Lola collapses with a seizure. There’s bad news at the hospital when a CT scan reveals she has a tumour that might be cancerous. 

Made for each other

Danielle Harold says her character Lola was always meant to be with Jay. ‘They always come back together in the end,’ she says. Now, it looks as if The End is nigh. Literally. 

Well, it was too much to hope Jay might be given a storyline in which he got to smile more than once a year. Walford residents should start giving us tips on how they manage to get an ambulance to arrive in record time and then miraculously find an empty hospital bed, too.

Whitney is shocked to find Finlay and Felix there when she returns home, but she wastes no time in starting to flirt with Finlay. Run mate, this woman is the Hannibal Lecter of dating. 

Once she gets her teeth into you, she’ll never let go and you’ll end up either dead or suicidal. Luckily, her affection is short-lived, for reasons you will discover, but it’s highly unusual. 

Nothing short of a guy strangling a puppy would normally be enough to deter her. 

The Panesars – a glorious addition to the Square – continue with their family wranglings, and Kheerat makes it clear he doesn’t trust Nish. Kheerat’s day doesn’t get any better when Stacey throws a drink over him for lying to Lily about Nugget having feelings for her. 

He escaped lightly. If she’d chucked one of Stacey’s Baps at him, he would have been out cold. They should use those things for clay pigeon shooting. 


Eileen (pictured) has a nasty fall after storming out her house with pumpkins when she catches Glenda treating her home like a carving workshop

How Daisy’s blossomed… 

During her two years on Corrie, the exquisite Charlotte Jordan has turned Daisy into such an enjoyable character. Having nearly devoured Daniel’s head whole during passionate kisses, now Daisy is moving in with him, but a mix-up sees the couple moving into number one with the Barlow clan (ensure you put your earplugs in, Ken). So how will Daisy and Tracy get on? ‘They’re going to clash 100 per cent,’ says Charlotte, ‘but I think it’s going to be a very comedic relationship.’ 

Of all the things to fear as one approaches Halloween, tripping over a pumpkin in the street does not feature high on the fright list. That, however, is the fate that awaits Eileen, who is furious that Glenda is treating her home like a pumpkin carving workshop (it’s been worse, Eileen: a pumpkin carver is several rungs down from housing a serial killer). 

Heading down the street with said pumpkins, she falls after colliding with Gail and knocks herself out. George and Sean are in for a shock when she comes round being strangely chilled and pleasant. 

Her friendly demeanour becomes increasingly scary for George (and it must take a lot to scare an undertaker) after she declares that she caught a glimpse of heaven, complete with a bright light, a sweet smell and strange music. 

At least that makes it a dead cert she hadn’t inadvertently fallen into the Rovers. What’s the real reason for her strange demeanour, though? 

On the anniversary of Sinead’s death, Daniel turns up at the Rovers and tells Daisy he’d like to live together. But is Daisy ready for it, especially when Bertie calls her ‘Mummy’? 

Hang on… Bertie can say only one word? Maybe it’s because he hasn’t been fed in two years; I just assumed he’d been kidnapped and Daniel hadn’t noticed. 


Has Paddy smelled a rat? (Well, he is a vet!)

Paddy becomes suspicious of Chas (pictured) and begins to smell a rat in Emmerdale, despite her thinking she’s covered her tracks 

You’d think that one thing Chas might have done when holed up in the hotel spa a few weeks ago was get her hair done. But no. 

She’s still walking around the village looking as if she’s not only been dragged through a hedge backwards but brought half of Dalby Forest with her. If only the person who ironed her and Al’s bathrobes had been enlisted to work the same magic on her hair. 

Having successfully manoeuvred Aaron into deciding to leave the village, Chas covers her tracks when Paddy expresses his sadness. He’s clearly starting to smell a rat, though – which, as a vet, he darn well should. 

Al, meanwhile, is trying to slow down Kerry’s enthusiasm in moving forward with their wedding plans. 

Er, haven’t we been here before with Al, when both Priya and Debbie discovered he was cheating on them both? Change the record. 

Hot on the hooves of the horse that carried Kim to her wedding come another two, this time carrying Liv and Faith’s coffins. Talk about a show getting a good gallop for its money. 

Mack, meanwhile, is worried news of his own hoofing around will emerge when he sees Chloe talking to Charity. Unaware that Chloe’s pregnant (when will these girls get birth control advice?), Kerry tries to stop her leaving – with a bombshell of her own.

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