Ulrika Jonsson vows ‘I’ll not go quietly into old age’ after leaving some ‘uncomfortable’

Ulrika Jonsson reveals details of eventful night out

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Ulrika Jonsson shared her defiance with her 179,000 followers in an Instagram post yesterday, after her tales of a wild night out celebrating 21-year-old daughter Bo’s birthday had apparently made some viewers feel “uncomfortable”. She had candidly told fans of her antics, which included “hijacking” the evening of two women she’d never met and drunkenly falling over so many times that security had to escort her out of a bar for her own “safety”. 

I have more years behind me than I do in front of me – I intend to spend them as I want

Ulrika Jonsson

However, she’d also confessed to waking up with “two strange men” in the house, despite her 13-year-old son being one of the occupants – and this admission sparked a call from a School Safeguarding Officer concerned for his welfare. 

An enraged Ulrika, who complained of “patriarchal” and “sexist” reactions, hit back that although she’d never personally met the pair, they had both been friends with her daughters for four years.

“My behaviour may make some people feel uncomfortable,” she acknowledged. 

“But I will not go quietly into the night of old age.

“If you don’t like the way I live my life, you’re on the wrong page!” 

“Live your life how you want to,” encouraged Instagram fan cazshai. 

“F**k what ppl think, life’s too short to worry about sad individuals!” (sic)

Another, 5brookeroad, defended, “Love it, we only live once and that’s exactly what we should be doing, living – not hiding away to please others!”

Ulrika continued to defend herself in the face of intense criticism. 

She has maintained that it is “sexist” to ask women to control their behaviour as she believes men would not be held to the same standards.

She has also questioned why the School Safeguarding Officer who had been concerned by her social media post hadn’t contacted her to help when she’d written on the same channels in the past that she’d been experiencing “depression”. 

On discovering them, some readers criticised her for bringing up her daughter’s drunken state in case it made her seem irresponsible or might even damage her prospects of working as a nanny in the future.

Yet Ulrika, who claimed she rarely goes “out-out”, insisted that the antics were much-deserved and jubilantly posted photos of herself and two of her daughters taking selfies in a bar to prove their happiness. 

Another cryptic photo on the post was a snapshot of a door with the word “Pull” engraved above the handle. 

Ulrika, who has also voiced that she was open to dating again soon, is defiant that she won’t back down in her mission to enjoy her 50s the best she can. 

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