DAN WOOTTON: Drink-and-drug driver Katie Price should be locked up

DAN WOOTTON: Drink-and-drug driver Katie Price’s demented wedding in the party capital of the world shows why the kindest thing magistrates can do is lock her up before she destroys herself

Just six weeks ago, the family of newly convicted drunk driver Katie Price was pleading for us to help their fallen star, despite the fact she could have killed someone with her illegal behaviour.

In a since-deleted Instagram post they admitted ‘their worst fears nearly came true’ and vowed to get ‘Kate the help she needs’ – as long as the British public and press played their part.

Team Pricey implored: ‘We would kindly ask that the media and wider public give Kate the time and space she needs to seek the necessary treatment, so that she can hopefully return to the Kate we know and love as a mother, daughter and sister.

‘We are concerned and worried about her deeply, we know she lives her life publicly and to many she is fair game, but as a family we hope she can find her path privately moving forward during this very difficult period in her life.’

Today, as she awaits sentencing and a possible jail sentence next month after a reckless slew of driving offences, Katie isn’t in The Priory – the rehab facility where she assured the judge she would seek treatment but was seen shopping nearby within weeks.

She isn’t focussing on her recovery quietly at home, recommitting to being a good mum to her five children once again and working out how to rebuild her shattered media career as she narrowly avoids financial ruin.

And she certainly isn’t attempting to battle her drug and booze demons in private, away from the glare of the spotlight her family claim she needed to remove herself from.

Nope, Jordan has jetted in typically chaotic and controversial fashion to Las Vegas – the party capital of the world, presumably with the permission required from her probation officer.

Just six weeks ago, the family of newly convicted drunk driver Katie Price was pleading for us to help their fallen star, despite the fact she could have killed someone with her illegal behaviour. Above: The aftermath of the crash 

Today, as she awaits sentencing and a possible jail sentence next month after a reckless slew of driving offences, Katie isn’t in The Priory. Pictured: Katie Price, 43, with Carl Woods, 32 in Las Vegas 

Jordan has jetted in typically chaotic and controversial fashion to Las Vegas – the party capital of the world, presumably with the permission required from her probation officer. Pictured: The marriage certificate between Price and Woods

Which is like putting a sugar addict in the middle of a pick and mix factory and asking them to keep their hands off the jelly snakes.

Worse still, she’s there with her on again/off again fiancé Carl Woods to get married for the fourth time – and she’s documenting the whole damn event on social media online as if she’s filming a reality show.

So far, she’s already been ‘kicked off one flight for refusing to wear a mask’, so I think it’s fair to say we’re not talking about a reformed woman on the way to a health retreat. 

And that’s the tragedy of Katie’s life story; it’s all one big reality show where the world revolves around her like it did 16 years ago when she married Peter Andre as the nation’s sweetheart after the glamour queen proved she had a heart on I’m A Celebrity.

It would be somewhat understating the situation to say Katie and I have had a rocky past decade.

She was once forced to apologise after reposting on Twitter an untrue suggestion I had HIV – prompting fury from AIDS charities that she was making light of such a serious illness – because she was unhappy at what she perceived to be me siding with Peter Andre after their toxic marriage split. 

However, we’ve also shared good times together, partying at Elton John’s Oscar bash in Los Angeles and other events at home, and she knows I have always respected her survival instincts, pluck, passion for pop music and determination to become a singer, love for her son Harvey, worry for her terminally ill mother and the ability to not give a damn.

But Katie blew the public goodwill – and mine – when she started to put innocent folk’s lives at risk.

After her car accident on September 28, she tested positive for alcohol and the Class A drug cocaine, then pleaded guilty to drink driving, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.

Chair of the bench Julie Hutton gave Katie an interim driving ban but warned: ‘We regularly send people to prison for driving whilst disqualified.’

In this case, I think a custodial sentence when she returns to court on December 15 is necessary given Katie had no driving licence after being disqualified for two years in 2019 and has already been banned from the roads six times.

There is no excuse for that sort of driving rap sheet.

And Katie’s inability to accept she is in the midst of the most serious battle of her life to get clean by instead flying to Vegas for another wedding has left me fearing she is facing near certain destruction if nothing changes.

She’s going to kill someone or herself, because she refuses to accept she needs serious long-term help, rather than a brief court ordered stint in rehab.

If facing the possibility of a prison sentence doesn’t get you to acknowledge the need to recover and take time away from the reality TV-style circus of your life, then what will?

Instead, there she is on her TikTok account today with Carl, boasting about the good time they’re going to have in Las Vegas without partying.

She told her followers: ‘He’s showing me more to Vegas than what you might think, no not partying, the fun bits you can do in Vegas.’

I absolutely love Vegas and have had many amazing times in the truly wild Nevada desert – but to delude yourself that Sin City is based on much other than partying is absurd.

Already today she has been spotted downing a drink from a cocktail glass while waiting for her marriage licence. Maybe it was diet coke…

But, believe me, the last thing Katie needs is another marriage, anyway.

Katie Price was reportedly ‘thrown off’ her connecting flight from New York to Las Vegas after refusing to wear a face mask

Carl Woods shared an image of a pint of beer and said he was ‘headed to his second home’ before posting a video of Katie on her phone with a departure board in the back

She has never recovered from the divorce from Peter Andre – the love of her life and the first man to treat her respectfully.

Pete brought out the best in his then wife and transformed her from Jordan to Katie in the eyes of the British public.

My suspicion is Katie knows that and has never been able to move on, despite a comical eight engagements.

The ‘disunions’ that followed with Alex Reid and Kieran Hayler were a mess from start to finish.

Katie, you’re 43 now. The metaphorical and actual car crashes aren’t cute; they’re not excusable, they’re dangerous and pathetic.

I was prepared to give you a chance to get clean and turn your life around, but it’s now clear you’re not taking that seriously enough.

Think about your mum. Think about your children who love you dearly. Think about Harvey who relies on you.

And grow up by getting on a plane back from Las Vegas today and checking into The Priory again…before it’s too late.

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