Dr Scott warns of danger of grass seeds for dogs – ‘check their paws’

Grass seeds: Dr Scott urges pet owners to check dog's paws

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Dr Scott appeared on This Morning today to offer his best veterinary advice to viewers. After warning audiences of lungworm – a lethal disease that dogs can be exposed to – Dr Scott went on to speak about grass seeds.

With warmer weeks ahead, grass seeds are “everywhere” at the moment, Dr Scott said.

This means they can easily get stuck in your pets’ paws and ears.

If grass seeds get between your dog’s toes, they can cause their paws to swell.

Signs to look out for are limping and constant licking of their paws.

Additionally, if your dog starts to violently sneeze, it may mean that it has grass seeds in its nose.

Grass seeds can get into your dog’s ears, eyes, paws, and even under the skin.

It is important to check your dog over if you’ve passed through long grass during a walk.

Once the seeds start travelling around the body, they can be difficult to find, so it is essential to look for them immediately.

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After his veterinary segment had come to an end, presenter Dermot O’Leary asked Dr Scott: “What are you doing today?”

The vet said: “Today I’ve just removed some grass seeds from a dog.

“And I will say it’s a real big thing at the moment.

“Grass seeds are absolutely everywhere so please check between the toes and in the ears of your little pooch, because grass seeds are everywhere and we’re seeing them every day.”

Dr Scott comntinued: “We’ve even got a tally on the wall behind me with how many we’re seeing so far and the numbers are sky rocketing.”

Grass seeds have potential to cause real pain to your dog.

The seeds have pointy ends and are very sharp, so they can easily become trapped in a dog’s fur and can burrow down the coat to pierce the skin.

In some cases, thet can even go under the skin and into the body.

All dogs can be affected by grass seeds, but breeds with longer coats are more likely to get the seeds stuck in their coats.

Dogs that enjoy bounding through long grass, such as springer spaniels, are also more likley to be affected.

To minimise the risk of grass seeds burrowing into the skin, keep hair around ears and paws short.

If you do find a grass seed on your dog, remove it immediatley.

However, if you think a seed has started to get into your dog’s skin, or that your pet might have one in it’s eyes or ears, the best thing to do is contact your vet.

Source: Read Full Article

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