Astrologer Russell Grant thanks doctors following news of brain cancer treatment

Celebrity astrologer Russell Grant has opened up about his battle with brain cancer, revealing that he had a tumour removed before Christmas.

The 72-year old also took the time to praise the 'A Team' who worked on the procedure at the Alexandra Hospital in Manchester.

The former Strictly Come Dancing star took to his Twitter account to tell his 51,000 followers he was now in recovery.

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He wrote: "Before Christmas I had a brain tumour removed by the A-Team Prof Pathmanban, Dr Bhalla, Dr Kearney, the caring nurses & Vicky Walsh of Alex Hospital Manchester & Dr Wilton YG Bangor I’m now into recovery on @BrainTumourOrg Day Thank you all."

The star was subsequently inundated with messages from well-wishers, with one replying: "You’re looking good Russ. Rest up and continue with that great recovery xxx."

Another commented: "Omg I’ve only just read this! You poor darling you've been through it. Get well soon lovely."

A third added: "I had no idea you had been so ill. Wishing you all the very best for your continued recovery & keep well. Xx."

And a pal said: "Wishing you a speedy recovery my old friend I'm so pleased the surgery was successful and can't wait to see you twinkling the boards somewhere soon!!"

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According to the Sun, Russell's procedure to remove the tumour from his pituitary gland lasted five hours after docs had warned it could have "blanked out" his optic nerve.

As part of his post-op recovery the stargazer is forbidden from travelling for six months.

Russell returned to the social media platform later in the day to thank everyone for their support, adding that he was going to have a rest in order to aid his recovery.

He said: "Thank you good people for your wonderful caring tweets. I’ll be off now as rest aids recovery. A special mention to my incredible agent Mildred for being there and supporting me from the beginning. Love to you all, bye for now."


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