EastEnders Melissa Suffield embraces post-baby curves in stunning lingerie snaps

Ex-Eastenders star Melissa Suffield has flaunted her post-baby body in a new Instagram video.

The Lucy Beale actress, 29, has become an inspirational body confidence activist since leave the show.

And now Melissa has stripped down to Al Fresco Y bra and briefs for the clip, where she is seen gripping her tummy and raising her hands in the air.

Making it clear her she was proud of her body Melissa said: "There's nothing wrong with me".

She then wrote in a post: "When you look in the mirror, do you just see flaw after flaw?


"We’re all absolutely bloody GORGEOUS and we all deserve to FEEL IT."

Her followers rushed to the comment section to send her their support.

"Yes Mama! Your posts just keep getting better, good on you x."

Another said: "I love your confidence ."

A third posted: "Love this!! You look amazing and such an inspiration to me."

Melissa's post comes after she recently wrote in Fabulous magazine that she was unwilling to tolerate any negativity towards her appearance.

The mum-of-one admitted she didn't always feel great about herself but is committed to helping others to learn to love themselves.

She said: "You’re going to have up days and down days, and I’m certainly not a failure just because I don’t feel 100% positive about my body all the time. I have stretch marks. I have rolls. I’m a size 14.

"Ultimately, your body is just a vessel. It’s the person inside that vessel who is worthy of love.

"And if liking me or not liking me depends on a judgement someone has made about my body, then that person is a p***k and doesn’t deserve a place in my life."

Melissa recently shared her upset as her cruise director partner Brendan, 40, spent a final night at home before leaving for five months for work.

Loving parents to son, River, 22 months, the pair will be reunited in May.

Since leaving her days in Albert Square behind her, Lucy has taken part in Celebrity Total Wipeout and also appeared in BBC medical drama Casualty.

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