Little Mix have been forced to postpone their first tour without Jesy Nelson until 2022 due to the Covid pandemic.
The new trio, consisting of Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall had been due to start their tour in April.
However, they took to social media to confirm that they've been forced to postpone the tour until 2022 due to the Covid pandemic.
They wrote on Instagram: "You know how much we love being on the road and performing every night for you all.
"However, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we must prioritise the safety of our fans and crew and help to stop the spread.
"Therefore we’re so sad to say that the Confetti tour will be postponed to April 2022.
"All tickets will be valid for the corresponding rescheduled dates and we’re taking this chance to add an additional show for our fans in Cardiff.
"We can’t wait to see you when it is safe to do so! Lots of love The girls x".
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- Jesy Nelson
- Little Mix
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