Pamela Anderson sex tape saga handyman claims Mafia made him say he stole it

The handyman, who is seen stealing Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s sex tape in the controversial TV series Pam & Tommy, has said that the he had nothing to do with the theft.

Disney+ series Pam & Tommy dropped onto the streaming platform last month, rocking the world with the elaborate storyline that saw electrician Rand Gauthier (played by Seth Rogen) break into the couple's Malibu house and steal their sex tape.

But now Rand has said that he had nothing to do with stealing the X-rated video in 1996, and has claimed that he was forced to take the blame by a criminal family in the Mafia.

The 63 year old claimed to The Sun On Sunday that the Gambino family where the reason behind the sex tape going viral, and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Rand told the paper: "After the sex tape was stolen, I told a capo (boss) with the Gambino crime family, ‘Everyone thinks this is me, I don’t want it on my shoulders’.

"He told me, ‘We want it on your shoulders’. He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse and I am not in a position to argue with the Gambino family. I am not a thug.

"So the whole thing fell on me. But the truth is I had nothing to do with stealing the sex tape and I didn’t make one cent from it."

After it all went down, Rand apologised to Pamela Anderson for his role in the video being shown to the world.

Rand said that he is "genuinely sorry if Pam was traumatised by what ­happened," adding that he feels guilty and wishes he had nothing to do with it.

The eight-part drama on Disney+ stars Lily James as Pamela Anderson and Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee.

It has been reported that Pamela refuses to watch Pam & Tommy, because of how much the ordeal upset her back when it happened.

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