Piers Morgan shares rare snap with lookalike brother as he pays sweet tribute

Piers Morgan shares a rare picture of his older brother Jeremy as he retires from a nearly 40 year service in the army.

TV presenter Piers, 57, paid tribute on his Instagram with a picture of him and his brother at the Thiepval Memorial in northern France.

The memorial pays tribute to the 72,000 British and South African serviceman who went missing or died during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War.

Piers shared in the caption of his post how proud he was of his brother, saying: "Congrats to my brother Jeremy on his retirement from the British Army today after 37 years of service to his country including numerous war zones."

"Outstanding military career, outstanding bloke. Very proud of you Colonel", he continued.

The look-a-like siblings both posed the same with their hands behind their backs and the same little smile.

Jeremy doesn't often step into the limelight, but in a 2010 interview with The Times he spoke about his relationship with his brother: "Piers used to torment me and physically bully me when we were small.

"I remember him hitting me over the head repeatedly with a small, rubber yellow hammer."

"My mother couldn’t leave us alone. Later on, he’d bully me psychologically — niggle, niggle, niggle — until I got into a rage and beat him to a pulp", he continued.

Jeremy also showed his admiration for his brother: "But I admired Piers, and when the chips were down we’d always pull together.

"I was just ill-equipped to deal with his sharp wit. He likes to verbally joust with people."

Like many siblings, the Morgan brothers fought as kids, but as they have both grown up they have learnt to appreciate one another.

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