Ancient ‘death pit’ saw Europeans slay their own community in ‘random massacre’

New analysis of a 6,200-year-old mass grave in Croatia suggests all 41 people buried were slaughtered in a "random" massacre at the hands of their own neighbours.

Researchers are baffled at what may have happened to the victims, who ranged from just two to 50 years old.

The "death pit" was stumbled upon in 2007 by a man trying to dig foundations for a garage in a small village in the hills of Potočani, Croatia.

Archaeologists with the University of Zagreb happened to be conducting a survey nearby at the time, and they were able to start investigating the grave on the same day it was discovered.

However a fresh study of the pit led by the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb has now been published, providing more answers yet also raising countless more questions.

The burial pit was 6.5 feet (2m) wide and 3 feet (1m) deep, with bodies of victims entangled on top of each other like they'd been thrown in at random.

Teeth, bones and pottery were dated and indicated the burial likely happened around 4200 BC.

About half of the victims were children aged from two to 17, while the other 20 were adults aged from 18 to 50 years old. There were 21 male skeletons and 20 female.

Lead study author Mario Novak and colleagues took DNA samples and analysed 38 of the skeletons, finding most had been killed with strikes to the skull from behind.

It's thought they were the victims of a surprise ambush as there is little skeletal evidence of them fighting back, although they may also have been restrained or incapacitated in some way.

This led the researchers to conclude that a premeditated massacre was the only plausible answer.

Genetic evidence suggests the buried were from the local area and had common ancestry, meaning they were likely set upon by members of their own community for some reason.

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The equal proportion of male and female bodies as well as the large number of children killed indicates their attackers did not discriminate on either gender or age.

Mass graves in medieval Europe often contained people of all ages and sexes who succumbed to the Black Death, but the victims in the Potočani pit had died by violence not disease, Prof Novak said.

"The only plausible scenario was a massacre," he told Live Science, adding it seems to have been "just random killing".

It's thought they lived in a large cattle farming community in the Copper Age that may have had a population of up to 75,000, and remained in the area for centuries.

Researchers suspect the group may have been killed out of competition for scarce vital resources in the area, such as food or water.

Prof Novak told Live Science: "By studying such ancient massacres, we might try to get a glimpse into the psychology of these people, and maybe try to prevent similar events today.

"We have evidence of ancient massacres going back to 10,000 years ago, at least.

"Today, we also have modern massacres – the only thing that's changed is we now have more efficient means and weapons to do such things. But I don't think human nature or human psychology has changed much."

The findings have been published online in the journal PLOS One.

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