‘I explored Wetherspoons’ glam loos with futuristic décor and sickening stench’

When it comes to a good toilet, it seems nobody does it better than Wetherspoons.

The discount pub chain recently scooped up several wins at the Loo of the Year awards, including two national awards given to the company in recognition of their overall dedication to brilliant bogs.

But with hundreds of boozers up and down the country, could every Spoons loo be worthy of such accolades? I paid a visit to some of London's offerings to find out.

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Ledger Building, Canary Wharf

First, it was off to Canary Wharf to see the kind of luxury London's business bosses are accustomed to.

I was expecting big things from the Ledger Building, which sits just across the River Thames from the capital's financial district.

What I didn't expect was to find myself in what looked like a swanky underground submarine with clean floors and bright lighting.

If you're expecting standard Wetherspoon prices here though, think again.

A pint of Carling will set you back a cool £5.29, while a Camden Hells or BrewDog Hazy Jane will leave you £6.39 worse off.

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Rockingham Arms, Elephant and Castle

I didn't expect much from the Rockingham Arms – it's not much to look at and its TripAdvisor reputation precedes it.

One review, titled "Slum of a building", reads: "The Gents toilets were a disgrace empty bottles lying around the floor, toilet paper covering the floor and it absolutely stank in there."


Full disclosure, I didn't venture into the men's to validate the accusations for fear of giving fellow punters a shock.

But as I descended the stairs leading to both toilets I couldn't help but notice a strange stench in the air and I was suddenly filled with fear over what I had got myself in to.

Fortunately the toilet itself was nothing to write home about – the foul smell seemed to miraculously vanish as I stepped into the ladies' and the loo seemed clean enough, save for a few rogue bits of paper on the floor.

Mossy Well, Muswell Hill

If you've ever been to Muswell Hill, you'll know it's nothing but the best in this cushy north London neighbourhood – and its Wetherspoons' bogs are no exception.

Opened in 2015, the pub is one of the chain's more recent additions and boasts a large bar area flooded with natural light and a stunning multi-level beer garden complete with its own milk float.

But we're not here for beer gardens, we're here for toilets, which are as delightful here as the pub itself.

Perhaps in an attempt to make the middle-class clientele feel more at home, the ladies' features a decorative fireplace as well as wooden panelling and mismatched mirrors that give the place that shabby chic feel. This one definitely gets the seal of approval from me.

Coronet, Holloway Road

A stone's throw from the Mossy Well is the Coronet in Holloway, a repurposed vintage cinema that still boasts its original exterior.

I'd never visited the Coronet before but I'd walked past many times and wondered at the marvels that must surely lie within.

Stepping into the pub, however, the pub's allure started to fade as my dreams of vintage glitz and glam were quickly replaced by slot machines and sticky floors.

The toilets themselves were fine, with little to comment on other than a slightly funny smell.

White Swan, Highbury and Islington

Tucked away in an unassuming modern build off the more swish Highbury Corner, I had low expectations for the White Swan.

But as I stepped into the pub's pristine powder room, I found myself eating my words.

Oblong mirrors line pink and white walls and blush bar stools invite patrons to top up their makeup before heading back into the bar. 

The loo itself was clean and smelled divine. What a hidden gem.

Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon told the Daily Star: "We are proud that so many of our toilets have been recognised for their quality and cleanliness in the Loo of the Year Awards.

"Wetherspoon spends time and money to create excellent toilets in its pubs. Staff ensure that the toilets are kept in good condition.

"We appreciate the positive comments from customers and also note some instances where customers believe that standards are below those expected from our pubs."

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