A man has complained of mysterious "crying" sounds creeping him out when he is alone and asked a Reddit "ghosts" forum for help identifying the spine-tingling noise.
In a video, he shows his trailer which apparently has no living person inside other than himself.
But as he records, a deep wailing noise comes from somewhere in the building, and, as he walks through his rooms, he can't find the source of the sound.
It then intensifies into a prolonged howl.
The Reddit user said he was being besieged by "creepy crying sounds" and explained: "I’m home alone, I live in a trailer park where mountain lions are not a thing.
"The first few seconds you can hear the crying sounds. The rest is me exploring my house."
He added: "The neighbours have a parrot but it only screams out 'mom' not anything like this."
The video was up-voted hundreds of times and there was a broad consensus that the noises, although definitely "creepy", were not paranormal at all.
One person wrote: "Definitely a cat of some sort, or goblin, either way, salt the entryways!"
Another person said: "Did you look for a stray cat under your trailer or near it? Kinda sounds like a cat.
"Creepy but I would assume that's what it is."
"What is it with people that anytime they hear a strange noise omg is it ghosts? blasted someone else.
"I'm going to make my hamburger float and most of you would think ooooh ghosts."
This comes after a man claimed to have been a victim of paranormal activity following his discovery of a creepy-looking dummy he "mocked" and took selfies with.
He said he found the doll in the woods and, after taking photos of it, suffered a number of misfortunes including a car crash and a "666" message on a shop receipt.
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