Pompeii breakthrough as ‘sensational discovery’ made near ancient Roman town

Herculaneum discovery solved ‘ancient riddle’ says expert

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Experts have dated the nearly 2,000-year-old bones to 79 AD – the ill-fated year Mount Vesuvius smothered Pompeii under a blanket of ash and lava. Just to the west of the destroyed city lies the less-known but more affluent town of Herculaneum where the newly unearthed bones were found. The remains are believed to be of a 40 to 45-year-old man caught in the cataclysm as he fled towards the sea.

The body’s location and head pointing towards the open water suggest his escape was cut short even as his feet made the beach.

Carbonised wood discovered around the body suggest the man’s skull was crushed by a fallen roof beam before it was swept over by Vesuvius’s lava flows.

Francesco Sirano, the director of the Herculaneum archaeological park, told Ansa: “The last moments here were instantaneous, but terrible.

“It was 1am when the pyroclastic surged produced by the volcano reached the town for the first time with a temperature of 300C to 400C, or even according to some studies, 500C to 700C.

“A white-hot cloud that raced towards the sea at a speed of 100kmh (60mph), which was so dense that it had no oxygen in it.”

In a matter of minutes, the cataclysm engulfed the upper part of Herculaneum, indiscriminately killing people and animals.

According to the archaeologists, the man’s bones were stained red with blood in a truly blood-curdling twist of events.

The 4,200ft-tall Mount Vesuvius erupted in the summer or autumn of 79 AD, wiping out the Roman towns Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae.

The eruption is widely considered one of the deadliest and best-known eruptions in European history and is estimated to have killed more than 1,000 people.

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The Roman author Pliny the Younger described his uncle’s death during the eruption in a letter to Cornelius Tacitus.

He wrote: “The sea seemed to roll back upon itself, and to be driven from its banks by the convulsive motion of the earth; it is certain at least the shore was considerably enlarged, and several sea animals were left upon it.

“On the other side, a black and dreadful cloud, broken with rapid, zigzag flashes, revealed behind it variously shaped masses of flame: these last were like sheet-lightning, but much larger.”

He also wrote: “We were amazed by what we saw, because everything had changed and was buried deep in ash like snow.

“We went back to Misenum and spent an anxious night switching between hope and fear.

“Fear was uppermost because the earth tremors were still continuing and the hysterics still kept on making their alarming forecasts.”

In the aftermath of the eruption, Herculaneum was buried under a 50ft (15m) layer of volcanic ash.

The site was not rediscovered until the early 18th century when it was found almost entirely intact thanks to the volcanic ash that protected it from the elements and from looters.

The latest discovery marked the first excavations at the archaeological site in 30 years.

Dario Franceschini, Italy’s culture minister, said: “The sensational discovery of the remains of a fugitive at the archaeological site of Herculaneum is great news, first of all because the find is due to the resumption in this place, after almost 30 years, of scientific excavations conducted by the ministry’s technical staff.”

The skeleton was found in the same spot where some 300 people sought refuge from the eruption, in hope of being rescued by Pliny the Elder.

The archaeologists suggested he may have been an officer in Pliny’s retinue who helping with the evacuation of refugees.

Mr Sirano said: “Or one of the fugitives, who left the group to reach the sea hoping to embark on one of the rescue launches, even perhaps the last and most unfortunate of a group that had managed to set out to sea.”

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