Russia slammed for causing ‘huge problem’ in space – and now the UK has to sort it

SpaceX satellite explodes during solar storm

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Late last year, Russia used an anti-satellite missile to blow up one of its own satellites in an event known as an ASAT test. This caused thousands of pieces of space debris to fly towards the international space station, forcing astronauts to duck for cover in their spacecraft over fears the space junk would smash into them. While catastrophe was avoided, Inmarsat CEO Rajeev Suri told said that debris in space creates problems lasting for decades.

Mr Suri, whose company is a British satellite telecommunications provider, said: “Any country that does anti-satellite testing creates a risk of space debris…The problem with space debris is that they last for years and decades and that is the problem.

“It is an additional problem that these direct ASAT tests by a small number of major space powers over the past several decades have created debris.

“In April 2022, the US announced a moratorium on these tests in space and the hope is that as many countries as possible will adhere to this in the near future. That is what we need to do as space should be respected.”

He added: “Russia has done it, China has done in it, the US, India and other countries as well”.

But ASAT tests are not the only cause of space debris.

Mr Suri warned: “There are three risks, one is space debris itself and that is to do with ASAT testing but also to do with the fact that we used to have 1,400 in the year 2014. Now there are about 5,200 satellites.

“The low-earth orbit, in particular, has a plan for a number of mega-constellations and the projects talk about 100,000 satellites by 2030. That means that the risk of collision grows even more. To add to that there is the risk of ASAT testing.”

“The third risk is orbital exclusion that companies or countries can occupy a particular orbit whereby there is no place for anybody else. So the economic risk of monopoly formation and that also adds to the physical collision avoidance risk.”

“What we are calling for is regulation to be able to manage this better.”

In fact, Inmarsat’s Space Sustainability Report has revealed that there are almost 10,000 tonnes of satellite and rocket objects currently in Earth’s orbit.

This includes an estimated 130 million pieces of space debris.

Commenting on the report, Mr Suri said: “The time has come to address sustainability in space with a coherent plan to address the growing problem of debris, satellite congestion and the absence of agreed international standards in our industry.

“We need a new mindset and a new approach to environmentalism in space, which will become increasingly important amid industry plans for a massive increase in satellite launches into Low Earth Orbit that will increase the risk of collisions and potential atmospheric contamination.”

Inmarsat is not the only one calling for better regulation in space.

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Now, the Government will undertake a regulatory review to incentivise sustainable practices, investment and growth into technologies that can clean up that debris for Active Debris Removal (ADR).

Speaking at the Space Sustainability Summit this month, Science Minister George Freeman said: “To harness space for sustainability, we need an agreed framework of standards for measuring and managing debris, improving satellite repair and retrieval and kite-marking genuinely sustainable supply chains.

“As it was with shipping in the 17th century and cars in the 20th, the key will be regulation which enforces good industry standards and reduces the cost of insurance and finance for a satellite launch which can show it is compliant.

“With London as a global capital of insurance and venture financing, we have an opportunity to use our historic role in space science to now harness responsible finance for sustainable space. That is why today I am announcing our Plan for Space Sustainability, a package of announcements which demonstrates the UK’s commitment to using our regulatory leadership.

“This plan will ensure a safe and sustainable commercial space sector which rewards responsible satellite programs by lowering the costs of launch licenses and insurance for sustainable satellites and space missions.”

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