Sweary pub parrot banned from watching TV after telling punters to ‘f*** off’

A pub landlord and owner of a swearing parrot has banned his pet from watching TV after it repeatedly told people to “f*** off”.

Louie the African Grey parrot picked up the bad language from action movies and often goes on foul-mouthed rants.

In a bid to stop the bird's bad language, owner Andy Ashby is trying to socialise the feathered fiend often with punters at the Sheffield pub where they live.

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But 50-year-old Andy has been forced to put a note on the bird cage warning customers not to get too close or Louie may bite and tell them to “f*** off”.

Andy said: "He will squeal and then say hello and come out with a couple of words but then he might just come out with the F-word just off spec.

"Then when he goes on a rant, he just starts shouting the F-word all the time so it just causes me trouble."

Andy says the cursing leaves him so embarrassed he goes red in the face.

While he has tried to reprimand Louie, he says the more he tells him off the more the bird swears.

He added: "It's quite funny actually but it is one of them things where you think that it's quite embarrassing.

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"The more you tell him, the worse he gets. He just comes out with whatever he wants to come out with.

"So he'll say oi, or he'll chirp. He also makes camera noises, which sound like taking a picture on a mobile phone.

"Then when he goes on a sweary rant, he really goes off on one."

Andy adopted Louie, who previously lived with a family and a baby. He used to copy the noises of the baby’s toys but after too much time in front of the tv, he picked up bad habits.

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The pub landlord said: "He didn't really use to say any words, he just used to make noises because he lived in a house with people who had a baby so he used to copy the toy's noises.

"I had him upstairs and with the TV being on, he's picked up some of the films.

"In some of the films, there's some language in them so he's picked up some of the character's words such as the F-word.

“It will fade out. He will pick up new words now he’s downstairs. He will pick up different, less rude, words."

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