Teen films terrifying Gimp Man run-in as perv ‘grunts and flops to the floor’

A terrified teen captured a "gut-wrenching" gimp man encounter on camera as the perv "grunted and flopped to the floor".

Cops arrested a man on suspicion of causing public nuisance following similar sightings of an adult in a “gimp suit” in Cleeve, North Somerset in the early hours of Tuesday October 25. He has since been released on bail.

Helicopter units and police dogs were sent to search the area after two people were approached by a figure in dark clothing with a covered face.

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Describing his "freaky" late-night encounter with the "gimp" the teenager said the man was "unpredictable, flopping to the floor, writhing and grunting".

The 19-year-old and his friend, who were approached at about 00:25am on Tuesday, said they initially believed the man was drunk by the way he was moving.

But as the man approached the pair the man "took a step up on the pavement, arched his body and flopped to the ground, without putting his hands out to catch himself".

"I don't want this guy to be seen as a bogey man… but this kind of thing, this invisible threat that he could be anywhere… it's indirectly causing fear," added the teen who did not want to be named.

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He added: "It's not just about the encounter, but the effect it has in waves through the community. It's quite gut-wrenching,"

He said the man was wearing blue latex gloves and a dark bodysuit from head to toe, which was covered in mud.

"His outfit was shiny with some sort of liquid and he was glistening in the torchlight and he smelt really earthy.

"After he had gone… you could still smell it," he added.

The teenager said he initially felt worried for his safety and the pair were in shock – but the "absurdity" of the situation then "tore through the tension" and they began to laugh.

Despite this, the teenager believes some people could be "psychologically damaged" if they saw the same thing.

He said he was still trying to rationalise the encounter and may have reacted differently had he not been with a friend.

A man in his 30s has been arrested on suspicion of causing a public nuisance and has been released on bail.

Acting Inspector Lee Kerslake, of the neighbourhood policing team, said: "No-one has been physically harmed during any of these incidents but we know they have caused concern to the local community and we are determined to identify the individual or individuals responsible and stop them."

The suspect has been released on bail since his arrest, under the conditions that he must stay at home between the hours of 9pm and 6am and must present to a police officer if it is requested.


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