Terrified Brit claims naked Tarzan-like ‘apeman’ stalked her in the trees

A terrified Brit has claimed she was once stalked by a Tarzan-like apeman, which she encountered staring down from the trees above her.

Despite there being no scientific proof of its existence, there are often reported sightings of Bigfoot – an ape-like creature – in rural mountainous regions of the US.

And now, Karen has suggested that she might have come into contact with a UK equivalent while she was playing with friends as a child in the North East of England.

Telling her story to investigator Deborah Hatswell on her 'BBR Investigations, Cryptid Creatures' podcast, Karen explained: "I saw what I can only describe as an apeman or a monkey man, and he was crouched in a tree.

"The main part of it that I definitely remember is, I’d looked up into this tree, and there he was in the tree, and the only way I could describe him was, he was neither a man nor an ape, yet he was both of those things.

"I can remember thinking two small thoughts as I was rationalising it, and one of them was 'oh, Tarzan'.

"It sounds funny, but that was the only thing I’d ever seen that was up in a tree crouched, especially holding something in his hand, because I believe he had some kind of, maybe it was a knife, or maybe it was just a stone or something.

"And also, I remember thinking, 'young man'… but I knew that he didn’t look like any man I’d seen."

Despite her hazy memory, Karen was able to describe some of the creature’s alleged features that she had witnessed, saying: "He was man-sized, with long-dark bushy hair. I know there was dark body hair and a dark body.

"And I know that he was naked, but I can’t remember seeing any private parts, but I know he was crouched so I don’t know if that covered certain areas.

"I remember really dark eyes, really intense eyes.

"But the thing that really stood out was that what I was seeing was an ape-man, and I’d never seen it before, it was something totally different.

"I remember feeling terror and running away, but at the point that I ran away the girls were there."

But, despite her certainty at what she'd seen, Karen recalled that her older friends had not witnessed the supposed apeman, and she never encountered it again.

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