Two fighter pilots who tried to shoot down UFOs found the alien invaders indestructible, according to a TV shock doc.
One said he unleashed a wall of fire" that would "normally obliterate anything in its path" against a mystery craft.
But the UFO just absorbed’ every missile he shot at it, out-manoeuvred his jet in a 50-mile chase – then flew off apparently undamaged.
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Another pilot who tried to blast a craft out of the sky with a heat-seeker in a separate close encounter 8,000 miles away found all his jet’s controls had frozen. They only started working again once the UFO had vanished.
Bombshell firsthand accounts given by the pilots – the only two in history to enter into dogfights with unidentified flying objects – were revealed in a new episode of National Geographic documentary UFOs: Investigating the Unknown that was broadcast earlier today (Tuesday, May 23).
Former Iranian Air Force General Parviz Jafari told how he was scrambled in a Phantom F-4 jet to investigate a shiny diamond-shaped object witnesses had reported hovering over the Middle-Eastern nation’s capital Tehran in 1976.
“After clocking the craft 70 miles away it jumped all of a sudden 10 degrees to my right,” he said.
“I was wondering what it was."
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When the object suddenly started racing towards him at speed he decided to it shoot down and locked onto it with a Sidewinder infrared guided missile.
But when he tried to fire it his control panel frozen.
“When that thing went away our radio became operative again,’’ he said.
Baffled air traffic controllers ordered him to return to base and the origin of the mystery craft has never been determined.
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Four years later Peruvian air force pilot Oscar Santa Maria Huertas was scrambled to take on a silvery lightbulb-shaped craft spotted over the South American country’s La Joya military base.
He fired 64 30mm shells from his Russian-made Sukhoi-22 fighter straight at it scoring a direct hit’.
Just one was enough to take out a car. But the craft was unaffected by the salvo.
“The cone-shaped wall of fire that I sent out will normally obliterate anything in its path,’’ he said.
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Documentary film-maker James Fox said: `”He unleashed all of his firepower, a direct target hit, and it just absorbed his bullets.’’
He chased the object for 50 miles but after it performed manoeuvres beyond the capability of any man-made aircraft he gave up.
The US Government is probing 650 close encounters between its military personnel and UFOs spanning seven decades.
But investigators told the documentary similar sightings have been reported by air forces all over the world.
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