UFO investigator claims he saw ‘spaceman’ before ‘frightening’ alien abduction

A man who claims that he has encountered numerous aliens has written a book about his experiences, spanning five decades.

Russ Kellet, 58, had his first experience aged just four years old while living in Girlington, Bradford.

According to the former businessman-turned-UFO investigator, he recalls seeing a man wearing a “space suit and a helmet” in his family's garden.

He told Yorkshire Live: “He was walking in my garden – I could not believe it.

“I waved and he put his hand up.

“here was a silver object which I thought was a dustbin.

“He walked behind this silver object and the next thing it juddered and went up – I thought 'what the heck is this.'"

His new book, called Russell Kellet is E.T. Rider, details various similar encounters – and even abductions.

He claims that, when he was 12, there was another incident where he “lost a number of hours” while playing near a wood area in Bradford.

He recalls seeing a “light in the sky” then everything went dark, windy and it was “bizarre and a little bit frightening.”

Mr Kellet is adamant that the lights were “some kind of craft”, and is also insistent that he was abducted by aliens to be used as a soldier in “some kind of war involving different alien races”.

For some reason, in 2020, he claimed that Take That star Robbie Williams was on a spaceship in 1999, but Mr Williams did not comment when asked about this by the Daily Star at the time.

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Other than the book and some sketches, there is so far no hard evidence to back Mr Kellet's claims of alien contact.

His claims, however, could be backed by mentalist Uri Geller who recently made claims that extraterrestrial contact is forthcoming as he revealed that aliens have been studying us for years.

The 74-year-old believes the contact will be to make a stunning landing that he claims will be like a “Steven Spielberg” production.

Uri made his comments following NASA documents that reveal they believe aliens have already been on Earth.

Speaking to The Sun, he said: “I think they are studying us. I don't know what they really want.”

Uri believes that the first contact will be to arrange a landing that he believes could be on the property of the home of the US President, the White House.

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