UFO whistleblower claims UK also has access to crashed alien crafts

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    UFO whistleblower David Grusch has claimed that the US is not the only country with access to crashed or reverse-engineered alien craft, and hinted that some of the technology may be being stored here in the UK.

    Grusch told the US Congress last week that he had personally spoken with around 40 people working within the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office [AARP] who told him that the US government was holding “intact and partially intact” alien craft in a secret base.

    In an interview with the BBC, the controversial intelligence officer admitted that access to the “extraterrestrial” material “does cross into other countries and other governments”.

    READ MORE: Whistleblower tells Congress he knows 'exact' locations Government is housing UFOs

    Grusch says that the US has shared its findings with The Five Eyes alliance – a grouping of intelligence services from the UK, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    He said that the nature of the way the media worked in the various countries meant that it might be reported more freely in the US, but that the UAP phenomenon “certainly isn’t a [solely] American issue”.

    Speaking on Radio 4’s The World Tonight, Grusch added that the culture of secrecy around the UFO discoveries made immediately after the Second World War had been inherited from J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Manhattan Project – the top-secret work that led to the development of the world’s first nuclear weapons.

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    He says the discovery was kept secret “because they weren’t sure how ontologically shocking it was going to be to the world populace".

    "As you can imagine, it’s a Pandora’s Box for potential military weapons development and reverse-engineering activities, so they decided to keep it under wraps for many years," he added.

    He said that he had decided to go public as an “act of duty” to the American people, and the world’s population at large.

    His lawyer Charles McCullough added that the secrecy meant that the US Congress didn’t have enough information to oversee what was going on within the government’s executive branch.

    Grusch rejected AARP boss Sean M. Kirkpatrick’s criticism of his claims, insisting that his words must have been “lost in translation or misconstrued”.

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