UK is ‘running out of ghosts’ as old spirits dying off, paranormal expert says

Britain is running out of ghosts due to the number of aging spirits passing to the “other side”, says a leading paranormal expert.

Dr Paul Lee reckons the UK’s spectral heritage is in a deep decline because many ghosts are dormant or have moved on.

The paranormal researcher and author said: “Since January 2020 I’ve been contacting all the reportedly haunted locations on my app, and asking if the residents, owners or staff have experienced any unexplained activity.

“So far I’ve had almost 800 replies and even some supposedly highly haunted places like Conisbrough Castle in South Yorkshire, the Ettington Park Hotel in Stratford – said to be one of the most haunted hotels in the UK – and Fortnum and Mason in Piccadilly, say they haven’t experienced anything in the last few years.

“But it does seem as though many famous ghosts are either dormant or have faded away or moved on.

“It could be that a spirit had a natural source of energy to begin with which has dwindled away over time, leaving them without the reserves to manifest anymore.”

But Dr Lee, of Fairstead, Norfolk, who has a PhD in nuclear physics, added: It may be that ghosts can be recharged.

"You sometimes hear stories of ghosts suddenly appearing again after many years’ absence.”

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The news comes after staff at Sheffield's iconic Meltdown bar called in a team of experienced paranormal investigators after they noticed lights and TVs switching on by themselves as well as a "ghostly sighting."

After a recent escalation in the spooky experiences, members of staff in Sheffield’s Meltdown bar called in the experts who conducted a lengthy examination of the possibly haunted venue.

WAH Paranormal, which led the investigation, suggested that the extensive history of the bar may be a reason for the paranormal activity.

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