Former Ryanair flight attendant reveals the most stupid question they were often asked – and how they dealt with it

A FORMER RYANAIR flight attendant has revealed one of the stupidest questions she was often asked during the job.

Fiona Mallinson, who used to work for the budget airline, shared how she dealt with some of the more idiotic travellers.

She told the MailOnline that she was often asked by travellers if they could get upgraded to first class.

However, this wasn't something she could never do – seeing as Ryanair do not have a first class section.

The cheap, no-frills airline only has economy seats, although there are extra-legroom seats for travellers who want a slightly more comfortable experience.

When asked what she often replied to the question, she said: "My response was, 'but it's all first class!'"

She also revealed why she chose to work for Ryanair, and said it was because they would "always look glamourous" when walking through the airport.

However, she added that she quickly realised the job wasn't easy, and that it being "hard work is the understatement of the century".

Another flight attendant for Ryanair has shared her biggest pet peeve during a flight.

Holly Davies shared a video on Tiktok – which has racked up nearly 4m views – showing a passenger asking to use the toilet while onboard.

As the passenger leaves the toilet, she leaves the door wide open, to which Holly rolls her eyes and looks annoyed.

She then angrily closes it herself and captioned the video: "Every single time."

A couple flying with Ryanair recently said the airline laughed at them after they flew 1,200 miles to the wrong country.

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