Holiday boost as Shapps set to scrap final travel restrictions 'by Easter hols'

THE final travel restrictions which remain in place could be scrapped in time for Easter holidays.

Currently, anyone returning to the UK only needs to have a Passenger Locator Form, as long as they are fully vaccinated.

Pre-arrival Covid tests and day two Covid tests were scrapped earlier this month, making it easier and cheaper for families to return from their holidays.

While Passenger Locator Forms were also simplified, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is said to be pushing to scrap them entirely, according to the Mail Online.

The form is free to fill it, but it requires travellers to fill in additional details including where they have travelled and their vaccination status.

It is hoped to be scrapped by the beginning of April, making it easier for families to travel during the Easter holidays.

It was hoped that they would be scrapped sooner, but health officials remain worried about needing to track Covid variants coming into the UK.

And last month, Mr Shapps said it was the "only way" to distinguish between arrivals who are vaccinated and unvaccinated when using the e-gates at the airport.

Airlines and tour operators have called for it to be scrapped, which would see travel returning to pre-Covid rules, ahead of a slew of Covid rule changes in the UK expected to be announced today including an end to forced self-isolation.

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I'm cabin crew and I always do the same thing in hotels to avoid embarrassment

Tim Alderslade, chief executive of trade body Airlines UK, said: "Ministers are absolutely right to remove the remaining restrictions but this needs to cut across all elements of the economy, including travel.

"If there is no requirement to self-isolate for those with Covid in the UK, jabbed or otherwise, there can be no justification for continuing with travel restrictions for the unvaccinated, including the continued use of the PLF which, although not as bad as testing, remains a deterrent to travel."

An ABTA spokesperson said they must give a "clear rationale" why the forms are remaining in place.

Lots of holiday destinations have started easing their Covid restrictions for vaccinated Brits.

Spain no longer requires teens to be fully vaccinated to enter the country, while France hopes to scrap their Covid pass next month

Cyprus is scrapping more of their strict rules, while Tunisia has eased their entry requirements.

Here are some of the other Covid travel rules to be aware of at holiday hotspots including Greece and Portugal.

    Source: Read Full Article

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