‘Holiday glow’ after a relaxing trip away lasts a WEEK after returning home, survey reveals | The Sun

THE ‘holiday glow’ – or excitement that surrounds a holiday – lasts for as long as a whole week after returning home.

However, the poll of 2,000 holidaymakers found 34 per cent will get their next holiday plan sorted immediately upon return so they have something to look forward to and kick start the new holiday cycle.

Scrolling through holiday snaps and videos (40 per cent), reminiscing about their favourite memories (34 per cent), and sharing holiday stories with those who weren’t there (28 per cent) are the top three ways to try and hold onto the holiday glow.

Spamming their social media with holiday pictures and memories is also a popular way to prolong the buzz for 14 per cent, while 13 per cent try to recreate some of the dishes they had on their travels at home.

On average, travellers begin planning their trips four months in advance, including choosing a destination and booking or planning activities.

They then reach their peak level of excitement three days before setting off on a trip, with 18 per cent having sleepless nights because of the anticipation.

Graham Donoghue, chief executive of Sykes Holiday Cottages, which commissioned the research, said: “The impact of a holiday can be quite profound, with the excitement and enjoyment of a trip beginning as early as the planning stages for many.

“It’s fascinating to also learn about the cycle people go through when it comes to getting home from one getaway to planning the next.

"And for many holidaymakers, they can’t wait to get that holiday desire back again – plotting their next jaunt right away.”

It also emerged 41 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll, like to book more frequent, shorter breaks away to help them switch off – enjoying the ‘holiday glow’ multiple times throughout the year.

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Feeling fed up with the weather (42 per cent) and feeling stressed (42 per cent) were the most popular indications that Brits’ need a holiday.

While feeling bored or stuck in a rut was also a driver for 39 per cent.

And a quarter want to book their next trip when they feel envious after hearing about and seeing holiday pictures from others.

Dr Andy Cope, happiness expert and best-selling author, who has partnered with Sykes Holiday Cottages to help holidaymakers extend their holiday glows said: “During the cold winter months, there are a lot of people running on empty, so it’s no wonder that many will be looking forward to a well-earned break.

“Holidays combine so many aspects of happiness, from family and friends, to experiences, a change of scenery and relaxation.

"That’s why the holiday glow can be so profound, kicking in as soon as a trip is booked for some.”

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