The secret story behind a hidden path at Disney World – and it's disgusting | The Sun

GUESTS at Disney World may have never realised a "river of poo" that runs through the park.

Within the Magic Kingdom is Liberty Square, based on colonial America.

During this era in the 16th century, indoor plumbing didn't exist, with chamber pots used instead.

These were then thrown onto the streets, into the main road and creating "sewage rivers".

The brown painted path within Liberty Square is to represent this, with the brown flooring a secret symbol of the era.

Not only that, but you won't find any public restrooms in the area.

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While restaurants have bathrooms, required by law, there are no standalone toilets to follow on from the "no-indoor-plumbing" symbolism.

Guests will have to head to The Liberty Tree Tavern or the Columbia Harbour House to be able to use the toilet instead.

In the book, Walt Disney World: The Full Report, written by a former cast member, it explains: "Disney Imagineers created a seamless transition from Frontierland to Liberty Square with a great amount of attention to detail in this recreation of colonial America.

"Liberty Square's brown walkways represent the sewage paths in the colonial roads."

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Thankfully you won't experience any bad smells from the "sewage path".

Devices called 'smellitizers' are hidden in the parks to maintain a pleasant smell in the air, such as baked goods in Main Street and salty sea air at the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.

The park hides many secrets from guests, primarily when it comes down to the dirtier and less magical parts.

One thing you will never see is bins being emptied – small pipes vacuum the rubbish through the hidden tunnels underneath the Magic Kingdom at 60mph every 20 minutes.

There are also only one set of toilets in Disney World which have doors into the bathrooms, which are in the Magical Kingdom.

Guests will never see cast members point – which is considered rude in some cultures – and never say "I don't know".

If you're called a "treasured guest," it could mean the cast members find you annoying.

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