Using an umbrella in Edinburgh and admiring the view in London: Locals reveal the dead giveaways that you're a tourist

TAKING a week’s holiday to explore a new country or city is one of the best feelings in the world, but no one wants to actually LOOK like a tourist while they doing it.

And locals really can spot an outsider from a mile off.

Residents of popular tourist destinations have been sharing the easiest way to spot a tourist in their home town on Reddit, and the chances are you’re guilty of at least one.

Whether it’s pronouncing local places improperly or wearing cliché souvenir T-shirts, there are some practices that a resident would never been seen dead doing.

Read on to find out some of the actions that practically scream, “I’m a tourist” around the world…

It’s always Mardi Gras in New Orleans

New Orleans local Ivyleighh said you’re clearly a tourist in New Orleans when: “Wearing beads when it's not Mardi Gras.

“Or calling the city 'The Big Easy'… nobody who lives here calls it that.”

Using a brolly in Iceland

An Icelandic resident called Trihorn said: “Using an umbrella in Iceland [makes you a tourist].

“The wind is strong and the rain isn't coming straight down – more from the side and upwards.”

A Scot said it was similar in Edinburgh, adding: “We have this problem in Edinburgh too. The bins are stuffed with dead brollies.”

Wrong pronunciation in Scotland

Using an umbrella isn’t the only way to stand out in Edinburgh, even trying to pronounce the city’s name will set you off on the wrong foot.

A local called Ghiscari_ said: “Pronouncing it ‘Edin-borrow’ or ‘Scatland’.”



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Fur hats in Moscow

Surely everyone in Russia wears a fur hat in winter? Not according to Iamnotthatkind, who said that wearing a fur hat in Moscow is a guaranteed sign you’re a tourist.

They added: “No one actually wears them here except for some old people and soldiers because they have to.

“Wear wool or no hat, if you're brave enough. Fur hats either scream tourist or 1970s.”

Taking in the view in London

Meanwhile, in London, all it takes is for a person to be admiring the view for someone to know they don’t belong.

A local called Wintsykia 615 said: “If you’re walking slowly and enjoying the views [you’re a tourist].

“Us locals keep our heads down and our feet moving.”

Cowboy hats in Texas

The Texans wear their cowboy hats well… tourists not so much, according to one local called Squirel_F.

They said: “In Texas, people wearing cowboy hats that don't at all go with their outfits.

“And sometimes the cowboy hat is also worn the wrong way round.”

    Source: Read Full Article

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