What it's like to do a romantic overnight trip alone on Valentine's weekend

We’re in the month of love and tomorrow is the climax: Valentine’s Day.

For those in committed relationships, the day is perhaps easier than for singles.

You make a choice between marking the occasion (though of course, this might come with pressure) or sacking it off completely, seeing the day as a capitalist scam on our desire for love.

For single people, the build up and heart-shaped merch everywhere is… disappointing.

That camp might celebrate the day with other single friends, write it off completely, or make an ill-advised decision to see an ex or meet an underwhelming match on a dating app.

If there’s any part of you unhappy in your singledom (which is natural, in even the most content of us), Valentine’s Day is a surefire way of getting you to acknowledge that – even prompting feelings of dread around the day.

So, what if you decided to treat yourself as you would a partner?

Doing things solo can be daunting at the best of times, but even more so when the backdrop to your venture is other cutesy couples.

However, spending the night at the five-star Kimpton Fitzroy Hotel in Russell Square over their Valentine’s period was an experience like no other.

Having never had such a luxury experience alone before, I wasn’t sure how I’d find certain aspects of my stay – such as meal times – and whether I’d be able to find a sense of romance solo.

From the off, though, I was made to not feel so alone. Staff were incredibly friendly and after checking in, told me about a social hour that was happening that afternoon in which any guests can go down for a free cocktail and the chance to mingle.

Mingle I did, with an old fashioned in hand, making brief small-talk and taking in the beauty of the building.

Nothing is short of fancy at the Kimpton. An imposing marble staircase greets you on the way in and interior decor makes everything feel as though it’s dripping in wealth.

Interestingly, there’s a huge Zodiac floor pattern in the foyer, with the Gemini twins symbol the first I spotted – perhaps a subconscious reveal of where my mind was at.

I felt this energy linger a little when I saw my incredible room and thought: ‘How great would it be to share this with someone?’

Alas, a symptom of our value placed on shared experiences rather than solo ones.

The bathroom was especially incredible, with a bath and a walk-in shower.

I must admit, the walk-in shower – which was huge and even had a bench – felt wasted on my single night ahead.

However, I completely indulged, taking the longest of warm baths with a book in hand.

It did feel rather dreamy, seeing Russell Square faintly out of the window slats, like I was in my own rom-com.

I emerged feeling somewhat more romantic and ready to enjoy my own company in this heightened way.

Applying my makeup in that picturesque bathroom also perked me up, and made me excited for the evening ahead.

Going down to dinner, I’ll admit I’d booked an early table, thinking it would be easier than later on in the night surrounded by couples.

As my meal went on, the restaurant filled up however, and soon I found myself people-watching, actually quite comfortable in my own company – relieved even, as one couple sat opposite me clearly had just emerged from a row.

After this I headed to the cocktail bar for a drink, enjoying the music and soaking in the jolly atmosphere.

By this point, I was feeling quite optimistic with all that traditional romance around me.

For something more relaxed, there’s plenty of other spots to spend time in.

From brightly lit green spaces to dim tucked away sofas, there’s something to suit the mood you’re in.

And as for the rooms themselves, mine had a comfortable lounge area, which I enjoyed relaxing in while snacking on patisserie treats that were left in the room.

When it was time to check out the following day, I had the blues.

Not, however, because of my singledom, but because I wish the experience hadn’t been so fleeting.

I found more romance over one evening – even if I took a little easing into – than I had done the last time I stayed in a hotel with an ex.

Next year, regardless of my relationship status, romance is going to be a part of my Valentine’s weekend.

It’s possible to find those things without an exterior source.

Rooms at the Kimpton Fitzroy Hotel start from £309, and on February 15 the venue will be hosting a Single’s Night, for which you can buy a ticket.

How to romance yourself this Valentine’s Day

Get what you give: Think about what you happily would do for a partner that you’d skimp out on for yourself. You deserve those things too, and you’re able to self-gift.

Value your solo experiences: It’s easy to think, ‘It’s just me tonight, so I won’t bother making a proper dinner’ – why not make yourself the most delicious romantic meal?

Ease into it: You don’t need to throw yourself into a situation you’d feel uncomfortable in just to prove you can do it. If solo activities are tricky, scale it back. Visit that venue at off-peak times, book in for an experience you can do unobserved, make plans with people for afterwards, for example.

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