Woman ditches boyfriend on holiday after he plays prank on her – but people are on her side

A WOMAN revealed how she ditched her boyfriend after he played a prank on their holiday – but everyone is on her side.

The girlfriend explained that she had a massive phobia of heights which included her having panic attacks.

However, she explained the prank he pulled while they visited the Grand Canyon on holiday in Arizona.

She explained: "On day 1 on our tour, we stopped at a scenic lookout to take pictures and he decided it’d be funny to grab me and pretend to try and push me over the edge of the cliff.

"I immediately freaked out and (unsurprisingly) had a panic attack, all in front of our group while the poor guide tried to calm me down.

"I’m not proud of how I acted, but I’ll tell you it wasn’t pretty. I was sobbing and yelling that he was cruel for doing this.

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"That he knew I was terrified and he was evil for using that against me.

"He was yelling back that it was a joke, I was taking it too seriously, and to get over it because I was embarrassing myself/him.

She added that she then told him he was a "horrible person and his ex was right to leave him" to which they were separated by the tour guide.

She even said she had "multiple conversations" before she went, with her partner saying he would calm her down if she got scared.

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The woman finished by saying she got her stuff and got on a flight home, leaving him in Arizona.

However, she asked if she was in the wrong, after many of their mutual friends said she was overreacting – but everyone was on her side online.

One person said: "I think you UNDERreacted. If someone 'jokingly' tried to push me to my death, I would report it to the police and let them sort it out."

Another person added: "Even without a phobia many people would panic in that situation.

"I don’t know how close you were to the edge but a lot of those lookouts have very sheer drops with no railings and if you were at one of those you literally could have died."

Someone who claimed to live in the area said: "What he did can't be excused.

"Anyone whose reading this that hasn't been to the grand canyon can say what they want about your actions, but people die every year at the Grand Canyon pretending to do stuff near the edge."

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